ENGLISHThis month, students of grade 5 continued their literary journey by reading Sherlock Holmes, engaging in discussions that sharpened their comprehension and critical thinking. In Unit 12, Growing a City, we focused on understanding urban development through guided reading, followed by word checks and comprehension exercises to enhance vocabulary. They also dived into the format of formal letter writing, with students taking notes and practicing structure, tone, and clarity. Unit 13 introduced Direct and Indirect Speech, where learners actively participated in book exercises, helping them understand the speech reporting rules effectively. SCIENCEThe month began with learning about volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes and floods. Students learned about how these events can significantly impact the environment, human life, and the economy. Students were also made aware of the causes and effects of natural disasters and how we can implement proactive measures before and during the time of this emergency situation. Following this, a new chapter Air and Water was introduced where the students were made aware of the composition and uses of air. Different layers of the atmosphere and why the atmosphere is essential along with properties of air through different activities. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DftEDVzGnMg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHIcQx4Qil8 SOCIAL SCIENCE"Together, we can drive change and make our planet a better place for all." This month, Grade 5 students explored pollution in its various forms, examining causes, effects, and prevention strategies. They used a fishbone diagram to map out pollution’s impacts and empathized with those affected by the Ghazipur landfill, learning how pollution can lead to serious health issues. Students also strengthened their commitment to the 3 R's—Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle—as practical steps to support SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) and SDG 13 (Climate Action). Engaging in the "Recycle City" game and analyzing real-life scenarios, they discovered ways to actively contribute to a healthier planet. Additionally, they revised United Nations concepts, building a global perspective on environmental responsibility. MATH"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn". Grade V learners were introduced to the concept of Fractions and Types of Fractions through a fun-filled and engaging hands-on activity using the Jodo Gyan Fraction Kit. Student-Led sessions and enquiry-based questioning helped them explore Unit Fractions in the best possible way and compare Unit Fractions effortlessly, using the kit. They had discussions and made notes on various Types of Fractions and practiced Converting Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers and vice-versa. Students learnt the concept of Equivalent Fractions and practiced related questions. They were introduced to Addition and Subtraction of Unlike Fractions, by developing an understanding of converting all Unlike Fractions into Like Fractions. Students practiced multiple questions to enhance their understanding of Addition and Subtraction of Unlike Fractions. HINDIछात्रों से गांधी जयंती और उनके उपदेशों के बारे में बात की गई। विडिओ लिंक के द्वारा पाठ ‘बापू की सीख’ का परिचय देते हुए पाठ का पठन करवाया गया। छात्रों से स्वच्छता पखवाड़ा पर चर्चा की गई। लिखित एवं मौखिक प्रश्नों की चर्चा के उपरांत अभ्यास-कार्य करवाया गया। संत कबीर, तुलसी, रहीम जी द्वारा रचित दोहे का अर्थ बताकर जीवन-मूल्यों का विकास किया गया। छात्रों ने किसी दूसरे कवि का दोहा अर्थ सहित याद करके कक्षा में सुनाया | पीपीटी के माध्यम से विशेषण तथा भेदों के बारे में जानकारी दी गई। पाठ का पठन एवं अभ्यास कार्य करवाया गया। इस तरह से छात्रों के बौद्धिक स्तर में विकास हुआ। छात्रों को क्रिया शब्दों से परिचित कराया गया। विडिओ तथा पुस्तक के माध्यम से विषय का अध्ययन एवं अभ्यास कार्य कराया गया। छात्रों सेदशहरा व नवरात्रों पर चर्चा की गई व सतत विकास लक्ष्य-११ संधारणीय शहर और समुदाय से जोड़ते हुए ‘त्योहारों का हमारे जीवन में महत्त्व’ विषय पर अनुच्छेद लेखन ‘क्या, किसे और कौन’ शब्दों के द्वारा सकर्मक और अकर्मक क्रिया की पहचान करना सिखाया गया। ‘काल’ की परिभाषा उदाहरण सहित समझाकर अभ्यास कराया गया। छात्र स्वयं काल के अनुसार वाक्य परिवर्तन करने में सक्षम हुए। इस तरह से छात्रों के व्याकरणिक ज्ञान की जानकारी, शब्दकोश में वृद्धि, भाषिक योग्यता, कल्पनाशक्ति, चिंतनक्षमता एवं बौद्धिक स्तर का विकास हुआ। लिंक- https://youtu.be/Wcm3Vj5rXCY?si=ysHawxYIxvJ1b2gM https://wordwall.net/resource/3376370 FRENCHThis month, we revisited two important verbs: Avoir (to have) and Être (to be). Mastering these helps in building solid sentence structures. We also delved into the verbs Aimer (to like) and Détester (to dislike), which are essential for expressing preferences. Additionally, we introduced the verb Manger (to eat), helping students expand their vocabulary around food and daily activities. In Chapter 7, we completed a series of exercises to reinforce these concepts. Finally, students learned the numbers 21-30, which they practiced through fun counting activities. Keep practicing and building your skills! SPANISHIn October, our Spanish class has been focused on learning and understanding the verb ‘gustar’ which is used to express likes and dislikes. We engaged in a series of interactive reading activities in the textbook and practiced the verb with grammar exercises like framing sentences with ‘me gusta’ and ‘no me gusta’ to express our likes and dislikes. During the activity, it was heartening to see students actively participate in the discussion, asking questions and seeking clarification to enhance their understanding. Furthermore, students also learned to talk about the meals of the day and the food items they prefer to eat during the day. They have also learned the food vocabulary and enjoyed learning it as so many new words have been exposed to them through this unit. Towards the end of this month, students were introduced to the new topic ‘la hora’ i.e. time in Spanish. They will be exploring more about dates, time and numbers through the next unit. GERMANUnderstanding Countries and Languages in German Learning about countries and languages in German is an exciting challenge. Here’s a quick guide for students. Key Vocabulary Das Land (the country), Die Sprache (the language),Examples, Deutschland – Deutsch, Frankreich – Französisch Sentence Formation[Land] spricht [Sprache].Example: Deutschland spricht Deutsch.Ich komme aus [Land] und spreche [Sprache]. Example: Ich komme aus Spanien und spreche Spanisch. Conclusion Fostering language skills through practice and cultural awareness enhances the learning experience. Let students explore and share their insights! Understanding verbs is key to mastering German. Here’s a concise overview. Topic-Verbs What Are Verbs?-Verbs express actions. They can be regular or irregular. Basic Verb Types-Regular Verbs: Follow predictable patterns (e.g., spielen - to play).Irregular Verbs: Change forms unexpectedly (e.g., sein - to be). Conjugation Basics For spielen in the presenVerb Placement In German sentences, the verb usually comes second: Ich spiele Fußball. (I play soccer.) Conclusion Practicing verb conjugation and usage in sentences is essential for fluency. Regular practice will boost confidence in speaking German! SANSKRITमध्यम पुरुष और उत्तम पुरुष आधारित पाठ- 10-15 तक वचनानुसार अनुवाद और संवाद विधि द्वारा स्पष्टीकरण कराते हुए मौखिक और लिखित अवबोधात्मक अभ्यास कराया गया। संवादात्मक सामूहिक गतिविधि में बच्चों की भागीदारी प्रशंसनीय रही। अव्ययशब्दों की पुनरावृत्ति कराते हुए दैनिक भाषा का अनुप्रयोगात्मक मौखिक अभ्यास कर लिखित कक्षा परीक्षा द्वारा मूल्यांकन कार्य किया गया। ICTThe students explored advanced features in PowerPoint, learning to work with the Slide Master, create custom layouts, and adjust the color scheme and background to enhance their presentations. They also practiced inserting SmartArt, tables, and charts to better visualize information. The students enjoyed creating presentations on diverse topics, including research on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and influential figures in the field of Information Technology. PERFORMING ARTS & VISUAL ARTSAnnual Day practice and preparation
ENGLISHSeptember has been a productive month for grade 5 learners, filled with creativity and critical thinking! In Literature, the students explored the poem "Changing Times" (Unit 11) with word checks and comprehension and different activities. Students practiced Newspaper Report Writing, enhancing their writing skills. The young journalists also conducted interviews, taking the first step toward creating their own newspaper. The SDG Worksheet 5 helped students deepen their understanding of the Sustainable Development Goals, focusing on how they can contribute to creating a better world. Through discussions, they explored the importance of global responsibility. In Grammar, students focused on Adjectives (Unit 3), completing exercises in both their books and notebooks. The Flipped Classroom approach allowed students to revise the concept of Adjectives at home and then teach it in class using PPTs, charts, and notes. This method helped them apply their understanding through group discussions and activities, making learning more interactive and engaging. It also encouraged students to take ownership of their learning. SCIENCEThis month, students delved into the topic of Good Health, a fundamental concept in their growth as healthy individuals. They learned about the components of food and identified different food items that provide essential nutrients. They brought various food wrappers and studied their ingredients along with the nutritional information. The students also learned the importance of reducing food wastage and suggested methods to address this issue(Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2, 'Zero Hunger'). In class, students engaged in a flameless cooking activity in small groups, preparing items like vegetable and cheese sandwiches, sprout and nut salad, and fruit and dry fruit parfait. They were made aware that these food items contain most of the essential nutrients in the right proportions along with roughage, making them part of a balanced meal. The students then extended their learning to understand communicable diseases and deficiency diseases caused by nutritional deficits in the body, including the importance of trace elements required in small quantities for the body to function properly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqJUanDKDG8 SOCIAL SCIENCE"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." – Nelson Mandela The month of September was a vibrant learning experience for our Grade 5 students, delving into various engaging and insightful topics. The journey began with a comprehensive exploration of the Prairies, where students enhanced their geographical skills through detailed map work. A PBL presentation followed, allowing students to demonstrate their understanding of this vast grassland region. Shifting focus to global cooperation, students were introduced to the United Nations. They explored its formation, principles, and objectives, with a particular emphasis on its specialized agencies. Using the carousel strategy, students rotated through various stations to deepen their knowledge of agencies like UNICEF, UNESCO, and WHO. They also learned about the Blue Helmet peacekeeping forces and had the chance to reflect on which agency they would like to be a part of. Mid-month, the class began an in-depth discussion on natural disasters, starting with a focus on earthquakes. Students then worked in groups to create a Disaster Preparedness Guidebook, developing essential skills in research, teamwork, and emergency preparedness. In addition, an assessment on Greenland provided a recap of previous lessons, reinforcing students' understanding of this unique region and its connection to SDG 13: Climate Action. MATHEMATICSThe month of September was quite enriching for grade V students, where they got to present their understanding of Number Operations with the help of PBL Activity. Students collaborated with their fellow group members to make Board Games, Maze Games, Power Point Presentations, Flash Cards, Quiz, etc. and presented the same with full zeal and confidence. Moving further through the month, students got engaged in SDG Book Task and Activity on Land Under water and discussed some fun number facts and amazing insights related to the same. They also had fun exporing the Shin Edu Activity which thereby brightened their learning horizons. Learning of Factors and Multiples helped the students in enhancing their understanding of the concept of Multiplication and Division. Students delved deeper to learn about listing Least Common Multiples and Highest Common Factors. Students explored the concepts of Geomtery with great fun n fervour. They developed an understanding of Lines, Line Segments and Rays, which eventually heped them to be able to differentiate them all too. Around the end of the month, the students were introduced to the Types of Angles and and an understanding of the characteristics of Polygons helped them differentiate between various Types of Polygons. HINDIमास का आरंभ, बड़े उत्साह के साथ 'शिक्षक दिवस' मनाते हुए किया गया। छात्रों ने सतत विकास लक्ष्य ४–गुणवत्तापूर्ण शिक्षा व अंग्रेज़ी विषय से एकीकृत करते हुए 'अपना अख़बार बनाएँ' नामक PBL गतिविधि की जिसमे विभिन्न अध्यापक व अध्यापिकाओं का साक्षात्कार लेते हुए उन्होने समाचार रिपोर्ट लेखन कार्य करते हुए अद्भुत कार्य-कुशलता का परिचय दिया | पाठ - ‘भिक्षापात्र’ के माध्यम से भगवान ‘गौतम बुद्ध’ की जीवनी तथा उपदेशों से छात्रों को अवगत कराया गया। वार्षिक विषय- सद्भाव, विज्ञान व सामाजिक विज्ञान के साथ एकीकृत करते हुए प्राकृतिक आपदाओं के बारे में जाना | छात्रों में देश-प्रेम की भावना जगाते हुए कविता -‘संग देश हमारे चलता है’ का सस्वर वाचन व भाव समझाया गया और वाचन कौशल हेतु कविता वाचन का मूल्यांकन लिया गया | छात्रों ने 'हिन्दी दिवस' बड़े ही उल्लास के साथ मनाया, जहाँ उन्होंने अलग-अलग सतत विकास लक्ष्य का प्रयोग करते हुए हिन्दी दिवस पर ‘केवल एक मिनट’ अंतरसदनीय प्रतियोगिता में भाग लिया और दिए गए विषय पर अपने विचार प्रस्तुत किए । जीवन से जुड़ी महत्वपूर्ण विषयों पर अपने तार्किक विचारों की अभिव्यक्ति दी, साथ ही साथ विभिन्न कक्षा परीक्षाओं में भाग भी लिया। उद्देश्य व विधेय समझाते हुए अर्थ के आधार पर वाक्य के विभिन्न प्रकारों के बारे में बताया गया | एक बूँद कविता के माध्यम से छात्रों को किसी भी मुसीबत का सामना करने के लिए तत्पर रहने का ज्ञान दिया गया तथा धैर्य एवं साहस की सीख देते हुए उन्नति का मार्ग प्रशस्त किया गया। अपने मन के भावों को और प्रकृति-संबंधी प्रेम को स्पष्ट करने में छात्रगण सक्षम हुए । पाठ से संबंधित सचित्र परियोजना कार्य करवाया गया। अंत:वैयक्तिक कौशल (MI – Naturalistic) का विकास हुआ। आधुनिक युग में दूरसंचार के साधन के साथ-साथ ई-मेल लेखन व पत्र लेखन की जानकारी दी गई पत्र –लेखन (अनौपचारिक) का प्रारूप समझाते हुए पत्र का अभ्यास कराया गया। छात्र अपनी कल्पनाशक्ति का परिचय देते हुए पत्र लिखने में सक्षम हुए। इस तरह से छात्रों के व्याकरणिक ज्ञान की जानकारी, शब्दकोश में वृद्धि, भाषिक योग्यता, कल्पनाशक्ति, चिंतनक्षमता एवं बौद्धिक स्तर का विकास हुआ। लिंक: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7ee7OeivUI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UybKO3MKyG8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmAgJSi1jlc ICTThe students explored more on PowerPoint, applying the various features of PowerPoint that they learnt. They created and presented the presentations on Eat Healthy and Stay Healthy & Festivals of Inida. They were also introduced to Slide Master view in PowerPoint wherein they learnt how to format the slides and create a custom layout of their own. FRENCHThis month, we reviewed essential verbs like être (to be) and avoir (to have), using them to talk about nationalities, fruits, and vegetables. The students learned how to ask questions in class using phrases like Qu'est-ce que c'est? (What is it?) and to communicate with their classmates using practical expressions. During our activities, we explored fruits and vegetables, practicing their correct pronunciation, and even did a salad-making activity to better understand different fruits and vegetables. In addition, we studied indefinite articles (un, une, des) and definite articles (le, la, les) to properly describe our ingredients. Our fruit evaluation allowed us to better understand their benefits while practicing our French. It was a month full of flavors and learning in the classroom! SPANISHThe past month, our Spanish class has been focused on solidifying the students’ knowledge as they prepared for their Term 1 class assessments. From basic vocabulary to sentence construction, we engaged in a series of interactive revision activities that reviewed everything the students had learned this term. Once the exams were completed, each student received their graded test paper and we discussed the answers, areas of strength, and identifying topics that might need further reinforcement. It was heartening to see students actively participate in the discussion, asking questions and seeking clarification to enhance their understanding. The month concluded with feedback discussions where students could reflect on their performance and set goals for the upcoming term. Towards the end of this month, students were introduced to the most essential element of the language: the verb “estar”. As students of Spanish, understanding how to use “estar” correctly is crucial because it forms the basis for expressing temporary states, emotions, and locations. We began by breaking down the conjugations of “estar” in the present tense and practicing how to use them with adjectives to describe feelings and conditions. For example, students learned to say: “Estoy feliz” (I am happy), “Estás cansado” (You are tired), and “Estamos en la clase” (We are in the class). In addition to “estar”, we revisited other regular verbs like hablar (to speak), comer (to eat), and vivir (to live). Through various activities, students practiced conjugating these verbs and using them in everyday sentences. We explored how regular verbs follow a consistent pattern, making it easier to build vocabulary and communicate in Spanish. GERMANWelcome back to our monthly blog! This time, we’ll explore some foundational concepts in the German language, including family vocabulary, the use of definite , and the neighboring countries of Germany. Plus, we’ll look at an engaging classroom activity that helped reinforce these topics.Family is a central theme in any culture, and knowing how to discuss family members in German is essential. Here are some key family terms: Father - Vater,Mother - Mutter, Brother - Bruder,Sister - Schwester,Grandfather - Großvater,Grandmother - Großmutter,Uncle - Onkel,Aunt - Tante,Cousin (male) - Cousin, Cousin (female) - Cousine Definite Articles (the):der (masculine),die (feminine),das (neuter) and die (plural) we also dived into the delicious world of German cuisine! Understanding food vocabulary in German can enhance your culinary experiences, whether you’re cooking at home, dining out, or traveling in Germany. Let’s explore the names of various food items, fruits, and vegetables in German. Common Food Items in German Here’s a handy list of everyday food items and their German translations: Bread - Brot,Cheese - Käse,Butter - Butter,Egg - Ei,Meat - Fleisch,Chicken - Huhn,Beef - Rindfleisch,Pork - Schweinefleisch,Fish - Fisch,Rice - Reis,Pasta - Nudeln,Soup - Suppe,Salad - Salat,Dessert - Dessert or Nachspeise Fruits in German Fruits are not only tasty but also essential for a healthy diet. Here are some common fruits and their German names: Apple - Apfel,Banana - Banane,Orange - Orange,Grape - Traube,Strawberry - Erdbeere,Cherry - Kirsche,Peach - Pfirsich,Pear - BirneLemon - Zitrone,Watermelon - Wassermelone Vegetables in German Now, let’s turn our attention to vegetables, which are a crucial part of any meal. Here’s a list of common vegetables in German: Carrot - Karotte or Möhre,Potato - Kartoffel,Onion - Zwiebel,Garlic - Knoblauch,Tomato - Tomate,Cucumber - Gurke,Lettuce - Salat,Broccoli - Brokkoli,Bell Pepper - Paprika Spinach - Spinat Exploring Germany’s Neighbors In our recent classes, we also discussed Germany's neighboring countries. Knowing the geography enhances cultural understanding. Germany shares borders with: Austria,Switzerland,France,Belgium,Netherlands,Poland and Czech Republic Using a map, students filled in the names of German cities and neighboring countries, solidifying their understanding of geography and language Adjectives in German describe nouns and can express qualities, quantities, or states. They can change form based on the noun they modify, particularly in terms of gender, case, and number.schön (beautiful) groß (big/tall),klein (small),freundlich (friendly),schnell (fast),langsam (slow),alt (old),neu (new),warm (warm),kalt (cold),leicht(easy/light),schwer(difficult/heavy) SANSKRITसंस्कृत- आत्मपरिचय:,प्रारूप संबंधी संक्षिप्त चर्चा पशु-पक्षियों, फलों - सब्जियों- अंगों के संस्कृत नामों को कंठस्थ कराते हुए अभ्यास कराया गया । अव्ययशब्द और अकारान्त और आकारान्त शब्दावली का वचनानुसार प्रथमा विभक्त्यानुसार अनुप्रयोग करते हुए व्याकरणिक नियम-अनुसार छात्रों को संवाद विधि से परिचित कराते हुए दैनिक जीवन में संस्कृत भाषा में बातचीत का अभ्यास कराया गया । धातुपरिचय: प्रथम-पुरुष लट्लकार आधारित अनुवाद गतिविधि - (पी॰पी॰टी) पर "मत्स्य मानचित्र" के माध्यम से लिंग-वचन अनुसार अकारान्त पुल्लिंग, नपुंसक्लिंग , आकारान्त– स्त्रीलिंग धातुपरिचय पाठानुसार परिवर्तनीय और अपरिवर्तनीय धातुरूपों का सामान्य परिचय कराया गया । सतत विकास लक्ष्य – ‘सभी को शिक्षा के माध्यम से स्वस्थ जीवन देना और सभी के जीवनस्तर में सुधार लाना । भाषागत अनुप्रयोग करते हुए दैनिक जीवन में संस्कृत भाषा ज्ञान प्राप्त करना उपर्युक्त पाठ्यवस्तु का मुख्योद्देश्य रहा । अर्धवार्षिक पाठ्यक्रम की पुनरावृत्ति और लिखित कक्षा परीक्षा के द्वारा मूल्यांकन कार्य किया गया। PHYSICAL EDUCATIONBadminton: Practicing footwork and movements with a shuttlecock, Students were practicing 6 corners footwork and clear skill practice, 21 points matches and knock out. Swimming: Breathing techniques inside and outside water, bubbling, freestyle kicking on spot,arm action of freestyle stroke. Gymnastics: Standing bridge, hop kartwheel, Wall handstand, High beam, Balancing beam and Podium jump Judo: Tai sa baki ( turning movement ) ogosogi (waste techniques)tsugi ashi (walking movement). Cricket: Bat swing drills, catching drills, fielding drills, Games for hand and eye coordination, Friendly matches. Shooting: Weapon introduction, fundamentals and safety rules, range commands, double hand holding with 1Kg dumble (30 sec) without dumble (45 seconds) Dummy holding on the wall, firing position. Football: Ball control & Dribbling: Drills to teach: Short Taps (In-step),Short taps (Out-step),Long taps (In-step) ,Long taps (out-step) Passing & Receiving, Recap dribbling fundamental, Push pass (In Step), Push pass (out step), In step receiving the ball Shooting &, Kicking Drills to teach, In stepShort-distance kicking I. MUSICसितंबर माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: गायन अभ्यास: अलंकार राग ताला परिचय कहानी के माध्यम से, तीन ताल परिचय, तबला बोल गीत, राग सारंग परिचय आरोह अवरोह बंदिश प्रयोग हुए वाद्य: तानपूरा ऑडियो ट्रैक, तबला ,कांगो ,हारमोनियम । गायन तकनीक: गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक वाद्य -स्वरतारंग कांगो , बोंगो एवं तबला का प्रारंभिक परिचय , हस्तमुद्रा (तीन ताल ) W.MUSICOur students have been learning to play "I Have a Dream" by ABBA, focusing on both drumming and guitar techniques. For the drums, they practiced the paradiddle pattern: Paradiddle pattern: Right-Left-Right-Right and Left-Right-Left-Left Technique: Begin slowly to ensure control and evenness in each stroke, then gradually increase speed while practicing with a metronome to maintain steady timing. Students also applied paradiddles in drum fills and grooves to enhance their versatility. On the guitar, they followed a 4/4 strumming pattern: 1st beat: Strong, steady downstroke 2nd beat: Softer downstroke After 2nd beat: Quick, light upstroke 3rd beat: Light, quick upstroke After 3rd beat: Softer downstroke Upstroke: Strong and steady The students practiced using drums, guitar, piano, and keyboard, and they enjoyed blending these instruments to create a harmonious rendition of this beautiful song! I.DANCEIn Indian Dance classes students learnt about " Five elements of nature" ithrough dance. They understood the significance of five elements of nature to create balance and tranquility on the earth. They mastered the steps based on semi classical dance with counts of 4 and 8. Steps and movements help them to understand sanskrit lyrics and musicality. Gradually they understood sanskrit lyrics with meaning and musicality alongwith dance moves and hast mudras of classical dance. Song : Bhumi mangalam..... W.DANCEIn their Western Dance lessons for Grade 5 with Ms. Jessica, the students learned the following: DANCE STYLE: JAZZ (LEVEL 1 DEVELOPMENT) 1. Warm up-focusing on isolations (head, shoulders, ribcage, hips), stretching, and simple footwork. 2. Basic Jazz dance steps. They are able to name and demonstrate the steps learned in class(Jazz slide, Jazz walk, Jazz arms variations, Passe hold, Pointed & Flex feet, Jazz square). 3. Integration of Dance with Math- Counting in rhythm- the concept of even & odd numbers. Students danced on even counts(2,4,6,8) & odd counts(1,3,5,7). 4. The history of Jazz dance- for e.g. it's origin, year of foundation, year of popularity, three divisions under the dance form. 5. Stretching and cooling down while counting down from 10. Reflection on the month’s activities and what was learnt about Jazz and Math. SONG: https://youtu.be/pjqNRjvSIAo?si=PA18iobGKnS2mrNk In their Western Dance lessons with Mr. Shree Ram for classes 3 and 4, the students learned: 1. The dance form: indian cdontemporary on the song "Hua Shankhnaad." 2. Basic vocabulary of INDIAN Contemporary dance like Adda, Chowk, single leg posses and many more. 3. Creation of a small routine with powerful movement combinations and incorporating vocal expressions DRAMAIn September, our drama class concentrated on refining essential voice and breath control techniques vital for impactful performances. Key highlights include:In September, our drama class focused on the topic "My Story" and explored creative ways to build narratives. Key activities included: • Introduction to Three-Act Structure: We discussed the elements of a story – beginning, middle, and end – to help students understand basic storytelling. • Collaborative Story Creation: o Students built stories by speaking one word at a time. o Later, they created another story, with each student contributing one sentence. Both stories were then performed in class. • Personal Narratives: Students shared personal incidents to improve their narration skills and learn how to introduce themselves and their stories effectively. • Group Story Re-creation: Students worked in groups, selected famous stories, and re-imagined them by changing the ending or adding new elements. They discussed and performed their re-created versions in class. These activities enhanced creativity, teamwork, and storytelling skills. LIFE SKILLSThe life skills took students on a reflective journey through a recap of earlier themes. Self-awareness, understanding one's strengths, and recognizing the qualities of a good friend were revisited. The class discussed the importance of kindness and how it connects to building strong friendships. Students shared personal experiences and engaged in group discussions to highlight their understanding of the topics. Activities focused on encouraging each student to reflect on their own behavior, recognize the strengths they bring to their friendships, and commit to practicing kindness in daily interactions. VISUAL ARTSIn the month of September, Grade 5 students learned how to draw a pot with a sunflower. They started by using basic shapes like freehand circles for the pot's body and triangles for additional details, developing their understanding of how shapes form the foundation of drawing. Step-by-step instructions were provided to ensure accuracy and creativity in their compositions. In this project, the students also explored the use of poster colors. They were taught how to mix and apply the colors effectively, learning about color consistency, layering, and how to achieve vibrant results. Additionally, they were given lessons on brush techniques, such as how to hold and move the brush to create different strokes, as well as how to maintain their brushes and art supplies properly. This hands-on experience helped the students build essential painting skills and care for their materials, preparing them for more advanced art projects. In the last week of September, students created posters on healthy lifestyles, using their imagination to design the composition. Step-by-step instructions were given to guide them, and they were free to choose any color medium
ENGLISH"The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you." – B.B. King August was an intellectually stimulating and dynamic month for our Grade 5 students. We began with the compelling Unit 15, "Rainforests in Danger," in Literature, where students engaged in an eye-opening exploration of environmental issues. The vibrant classroom discussions and the Problem Tree activity sparked critical thinking and a deeper understanding of global challenges. In Unit 7, our young grammarians dived into the world of tenses. From the Simple Present to the Present Perfect, each concept was meticulously explained, and students eagerly participated in book exercises to solidify their grasp. The revision of verbs and punctuation added a layer of precision to their writing, preparing them for their upcoming assessments. With assessments underway, this month has been a blend of rigorous learning, creative activities, and remarkable growth for our Grade 5 students! This month, our Grade 5 students embarked on an exciting Project-Based Learning (PBL) activity: "Create Your Newspaper." This activity aims to help students understand the structure and function of newspapers while integrating language skills and fostering creativity. This hands-on project also aligns with SDG 4 - Quality Education, as it encourages students to think critically, collaborate effectively, and apply their learning in meaningful ways. In the coming weeks, students will continue to work on their newspapers, exploring various roles such as editors, reporters, and designers. Stay tuned for updates on their progress as they bring their newspapers to life, showcasing their understanding and creativity. We’re excited to see our young journalists in action! SCIENCEAfter their research and informative group presentation on Animals and their habitats, students began to look into the plant world through the chapter ‘More About Plants'. They learned about the structure and different parts of a seed along with their types and functions. Through the videos and group discussions, students could relate to Germination in plants and the factors affecting germination. Students learned and were made aware of the importance of seed dispersal. They also became aware of the cropping pattern in India (rabi and kharif crop) and also about the steps in agriculture. Their knowledge was enhanced by videos on how farming is done ( like step farming). Age-appropriate suitable videos, PPT, and interactive sharing sessions were the methodologies used in guiding the learners throughout. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w77zPAtVTuI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jm12JKhNnWY SOCIAL SCIENCE"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." – Nelson Mandela August has been an enriching month for our Grade V students as they explored new horizons in their Social Science curriculum. We kicked off with a recap of our Greenland topic, which included an engaging Quizziz activity. This was followed by a Project-Based Learning (PBL) experience that was intricately designed to enhance collaborative, communicative, critical, and creative skills. Students worked simultaneously on three exciting topics: the Democratic Republic of Congo, Saudi Arabia, and the Grasslands. The collaborative efforts were remarkable as children worked in groups to create both informative PowerPoint presentations and graphic organizers, showcasing their ability to think critically and work creatively. They also developed their own Quizziz questions, further demonstrating their understanding. Rubrics were shared well in advance, ensuring transparency and clarity in assessment. The students embraced their roles with enthusiasm, taking charge of their learning and delivering insightful presentations. It has been a wonderfully interactive and lively month, where students delved deeply into the subject matter, taking on the role of teachers and collectively mastering important concepts. MATHEMATICSIn continuation to the understanding of Number Operations, students started to enhance their learning of the operation of Division. Using mental math strategies to Divide large numbers by 10, 100, and 1000 helped students do quicker calculations, also understanding the logic around the same with the help of some real-life examples. They were introduced to dividing large numbers by 2-digit divisors, including numbers 20 to 25, thereby practicing multiple related questions. Students verified their solutions to division questions by practicing using the Check Method and practiced several real-life situations involving the operation of Division. The culmination of the Number Operations took place around the end of the month with the help of a PBL activity, where the students divided themselves into groups of 3 or 4 and planned and curated wonderful activities and finally presented the same, showcasing not just their understanding of the Number operations but also great Teamwork and social skills. The activities included making of a PPT as a teaching resource, Board Game and Maze Game, Designing Assessment sheets, Story Telling with all props too designed by them, Flash Cards and Quiz, to present their learning. Students explored the world of Shin Edu and had great fun working with cubes while making figures and getting an understanding of the front view, top view, and side view of 3-dimensional structures. Hindi‘सुमन एक उपवन’ कविता का भावार्थ समझाते हुए छात्रों को प्रकृति के पास जाने के लिए प्रेरित करते हुए विद्गयालय के उद्यान भ्रमण करवाया गया । विडियो दिखाकर अवधारणा स्पष्ट करते हुए सस्वर कविता वाचन के साथ-साथ पुस्तकीय अभ्यास कार्य कराया गया। गतिविधि में फूलों और पत्तियों के उपयोग से प्रकृति का सुंदर कोलाज बनवाया गया । मस्तिष्क मानचित्र की सहायता, पीपीटी व विडिओ लिंक के द्वारा सर्वनाम की पूर्ण जानकारी देते हुए पठन एवं अभ्यास कार्य कराया गया। समान अर्थ वाले शब्दों की जानकारी देते हुए पर्यायवाची शब्दों की पहचान कराई गई| लिंक एवं ऑनलाइन खेल के द्वारा विस्तृत जानकारी देते हुए पाठ का पठन व पुस्तकीय अभ्यास कराया गया। गतिविधि में शब्दकोष में वृद्धि हेतु ‘मेरी पर्यायवाची पत्रिका’ नामक गतिविधि करवाई गई | समूह गतिविधि में विलोम का खेल खिलाकर विलोम व अनेकार्थी शब्दों का ज्ञान दिया गया | PBL गतिविधि में सतत विकास लक्ष्य ४–गुणवत्तापूर्ण शिक्षा व अंग्रेज़ी विषय से एकीकृत करते हुए अखबार रिपोर्ट लेखन शुरू करवाया गया | विद्यार्थियों के विकास हेतु संज्ञा व उसके विकार-लिंग, वचन व कारक व पाठ-‘अपना स्थान स्वयं बनाएँ' का लिखित मूल्यांकन लिया गया | छात्रों के पठन व लेखन कौशल का विकास हुआ | उनके साथ रक्षा बंधन तथा जन्माष्टमी के त्योहारों के महत्व पर चर्चा की गई | छात्रों ने त्योहारों से संबन्धित अपने प्यारे अनुभव कक्षा में सांझा किए | लिंक"- https://youtu.be/oUHv8PLsA14?si=uasR3tKki4cRcZeg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQ3knFmvfqA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHCbBNi69eI FRENCHThis month in Grade V, we have covered a wide range of topics to enhance students' French language skills. We began with vocabulary pronunciation to help students improve their speaking abilities, followed by a thorough revision of the verb "être" to solidify their understanding of this essential verb. We also explored nationalities and countries, allowing students to connect language with geography and culture. In class, we focused on communicating effectively through various exercises and reviewed colors in French, reinforcing vocabulary with fun activities like “Qu'est-ce que c'est?”. Students engaged with textbook exercises to practice these concepts further. Additionally, we introduced a creative pet tag activity linked to our study of domestic animals. Lastly, students were evaluated on their reading skills as part of their internal assessments, marking significant progress in their comprehension and pronunciation. SPANISHIn our recent Spanish classes, we’ve explored two fundamental topics that are essential for building a strong foundation in the language: definite and indefinite articles, and demonstrative adjectives. Understanding these concepts enhanced their ability to form sentences and express themselves accurately in Spanish. Students learnt that the key to mastering Spanish articles is to always match the article with the gender and number of the noun it accompanies. They were encouraged to do more practice on it by playing online quiz on https://aprenderespanol.org/index.html . Students were also introduced to the topic demonstrative adjectives that are used to point out specific nouns in relation to the speaker’s position. They correspond to the English words “this,” “that,” “these,” and “those.” They learnt that these adjectives also vary according to the gender and number of the noun, as well as the distance. GERMANIn recent classes, we’ve explored a variety of engaging topics, including school supplies, animals, and family. This blog will recap what we’ve learned, highlighting key concepts and providing practical examples to help solidify your understanding. Die Schulsachen In our lessons on school supplies (die Schulsachen), we introduced the use of definite articles: der, die, and das. These articles are crucial for identifying the gender of nouns and are essential for proper grammar .Der – Used for masculine- der Stift (the pen), der Rucksack (the backpack)-Die – Used for feminine-die Schultasche (the schoolbag), die Tafel (the blackboard)Das – Used for neuter -das Buch (the book), das Heft (the notebook) Animals: Das Tier We categorized animals into three main groups: Farm Animals (Farmtiere) o Der Hund – dog o Die Katze – cat o Das Schwein – pig o Sound Example: Der Hund bellt (The dog barks), Die Katze miaut (The cat meows Wild Animals (Wildtiere) o Der Löwe – lion o Die Giraffe – giraffe o Der Elefant – elephant o Sound Example: Der Löwe brüllt (The lion roars) Domestic Animals (Heimtier) o Der Hamster – hamster o Die Kaninchen – rabbit o Das Meerschweinchen – guinea pig o Sound Example: Der Hamster quietscht (The hamster squeaks) 3. Family: Die Familie In our family-themed lessons (die Familie), we focused on using definite articles to describe family members as well as the use of possessive articles mein,meine wit der, die, and dasares key to correctly identifying each family member.Der Vater ,Die Mutter,Der Bruder ,Die Schwester ,Das Kind ,der Opa,die Oma,der Onkel,die Tante SANSKRITपाठ: ९ - उत्तमपुरुष: पाठ १० मध्यमपुरुषः - पाठ १३ उत्तमपुरुष: - एकवचन द्वारा संवादलेखन , अव्ययशब्दों और धातुरूप - लट्लकार आधारित अनुवाद गतिविधि – मौखिक प्रश्नोत्तरी के माध्यम से पुरुष -वचन अनुसार , पाठ २ – से , पाठ ६ तक का अनुवाद विधि द्वारा स्पष्टीकरण और अनुप्रयोगात्मक पुनरावृत्तिस्वरूप लिखित अभ्यासकार्य कराया गया । सतत विकास लक्ष्य – ‘सभी को शिक्षा के माध्यम से स्वस्थ जीवन देना और सभी के जीवनस्तर में सुधार लाना आदि विषय / चिंतन को स्पष्ट करते हुए अनुवाद का अनुप्रयोग करते हुए व्यावहारिक रूप में संस्कृत भाषा का प्रयोग सिखाकर अभ्यास कराया गया। ICThe students explored the advanced features of PowerPoint, learning to create photo albums, use Ink Equations, and perform screen recordings. They also learned to change the Office theme, add and delete comments, use Smart Lookup, and annotate with Ink. Additionally, they explored different presentation views in detail. They applied these skills practically by creating their presentations. PHYSICAL EDUCATIONBadminton: Practicing footwork and movements with a shuttlecock, wall hitting, shuttle juggling, and knocking with partners. Students were practicing 4 corners footwork and clear skill practice. Swimming: Breathing techniques inside and outside water, bubbling, freestyle kicking on spot,arm action of freestyle stroke. Gymnastics: Students practiced standing bridge, handstandbridge, kartwheel on the balancing beam and free hand jump. Judo: Ogoshi (Waist throw), Tai Sabaki (Turning movement), Uchi Komi (Technique practice) and Ukemis (Falls). Cricket: Due to maintanance of ground students played indoor Cricket at MPH and practiced Basic rules of the sport, Batting basics, Bowling basics, Fielding drills, Hand-eye coordination drills. Shooting: Weapon introduction, fundamentals and safety rules, range commands, single hand holding with 1Kg dumble. Dummy holding with the help of dummy and double hand holding without dumble. Football: Due to maintanance of ground students were going to Badminton, Gymnastics and Kho Kho. INDIAN MUSICअगस्त माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: गायन अभ्यास: अलंकार राग ताला परिचय कहानी के माध्यम से, तीन ताल परिचय, तबला बोल गीत, झण्डा गीत , राग भीमपालसी एवं भैरव परिचय आरोह अवरोह बंदिश प्रयोग हुए वाद्य: तानपूरा ऑडियो ट्रैक, तबला ,कांगो ,हारमोनियम । गायन तकनीक: गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक,गीत के माध्यम से तत वाद्यों का संक्षिप्त परिचय । वाद्य - कांगो , बोंगो एवं तबला का प्रारंभिक परिचय , हस्तमुद्रा (तीन ताल ) स्वतंत्रत दिवस कार्यक्रम मे चयनित छात्र छात्रों ने देशभक्ति गीत का प्रदर्शन किया WESTERN MUSICSong: "I Have a Dream" by ABBA Our students have been learning to play "I Have a Dream" by ABBA, focusing on both drumming and guitar techniques. For the drums, they practiced using the paradiddle pattern: Paradiddle Pattern: Right-Left-Right-Right and Left-Right-Left-Left Technique: Start slowly to ensure each stroke is even and controlled. Gradually increase the speed while practicing with a metronome to maintain consistent timing. Students also incorporated paradiddles into drum fills and grooves to develop their versatility. On the guitar, they used a 4/4 strumming pattern, which includes: 1st Beat: Downstroke - strong and steady 2nd Beat: Downstroke - slightly softer After 2nd Beat: Upstroke - quick and light 3rd Beat: Upstroke - light and quick After 3rd Beat: Downstroke - slightly softer Upstroke: Strong and steady The instruments used in this practice were drums, guitar, piano, and keyboard. The students enjoyed combining these elements to create a harmonious rendition of this beautiful song! WESTERN DANCEThe students learned: 1. The basic steps and movements of South Indian Dance involving identification and listing parts of a plant through dance movements. 2. The cultural significance of South Indian Dance. 3. The importance and the reason of celebrating Onam Festival and why it's integrated with plants. 4. The basic steps and hand movements introducing parts of a plant through the theme "Dancing through the green". 5. Demonstration of a simple dance sequence with accuracy and rhythm. 6. To move gracefully and confidently. 7. Warm up exercises focusing on flexibility and agility. 8. Cool down movements- relaxing stretches. DRAMAIn August, our drama class focused on mastering essential voice and breath control techniques, crucial for effective performances. Here are the highlights: • Volume Control: Students practiced modulating their voices, understanding the importance of varying volume to convey different emotions and situations. • Breath Control: We introduced exercises to enhance breath control, helping students sustain longer phrases and maintain clarity in their speech. • Voice Projection Techniques: The class focused on projecting their voices without straining, ensuring they could be heard clearly in any setting. • Emphasis and Meaning: Students practiced how stressing or emphasizing specific words in a sentence can change its meaning, enhancing their expressive abilities. • Group Performance: Students applied these techniques in group activities, improving their ability to collaborate and perform cohesively as a team. By the end of the month, students demonstrated significant improvement in their vocal abilities, contributing to more dynamic and engaging group performances. INDIAN DANCEIn August, students from grades 3 to 5 learned a dance based on the theme of Krishna and Radha. The choreography combined elements from two dance styles: Kathak and Garba. This Krishna-Radha-themed dance helped students understand and portray the characters of Krishna and Radha through their movements and expressions. The rhythm patterns, steps, and movements were set in counts of 4 and 8. Students learned to use Asamyukta Hast Mudras (single-hand gestures) such as Arala and Pataka from Kathak, and they explored floor patterns with claps typical of Garba. The dance was performed to the song "Radha Ke Sang Mein Aaj, Raas Rache Krishna Kanha." LIFE SKILLSIn our life skills session,the important topic of friendship. We discussed what friendship truly means and how to distinguish between good and bad friendships. The students learned that a good friendship is built on trust, respect, and mutual support, while a bad friendship might involve hurtful behavior or make them feel pressured. We also emphasized the importance of avoiding harmful friendships and being empathetic and kind to everyone they interact with. This lesson encourages them to choose friends wisely and treat others with compassion VISUAL ARTSStudents were introduced to poster colors for creating a pot with a flower painting, with a focus on the concept of balance in composition. They learned about different brush types and techniques for applying poster colors, followed by a demonstration. The activity emphasized understanding balance, brushwork, and effective use of poster colors to create vibrant, balanced artwork. EnglishThis month, Grade 5 embarked on a scholarly adventure, beginning with Unit 1 in Grammar, where they uncovered the secrets of sentence types, and identified subjects, predicates, and objects. They transformed sentences with flair. In Literature, "The Hare and the Tortoise" captivated them, with readings, word checks, and insightful exercises. The students revisited sentence structures and showcased their creativity with Travel Itinerary presentations from their holiday homework. Diary entries flourished as they mastered content and format. In Unit 6 (Grammarite), verbs danced into our lessons, with a focus on subject-verb agreement, enhanced by engaging book exercises. Excellent work, Grade 5! ScienceStudents were welcomed back with a deep and fruitful discussion on their learnings and the actions taken by them in respect to the summer holiday work. They uploaded their videos on First Aid kit and its importance, on which a discussion was held in the class where students gave ideas on how they prepared their first aid box. The chapter' Animals and their Habitat' was introduced, and students inquired, brainstormed, and found out about different habitats in small groups. A group activity was conducted in the class where students worked on the THINK-PAIR-SHARE strategy to learn more about the different habitats. SDG 14 (life below water) and SDG 15 (life on land) were also brought to the notice of students. Students were shown videos related to some special adaptations like Camouflage and moulting for better understanding. Also, students were made aware of how different types of body coverings, limbs, and beaks help different animals to adapt in their different habitats. They learned about the eating habits of animals along with the how modes of breathing in animals vary. Finally, the chapter was concluded by making the students aware of how and why animals migrate from place to place. https://youtu.be/tG8556WuyDo https://youtu.be/3TNv3t8Xl-4 https://youtu.be/Bonwr9mNnxw Social ScienceThis month, our young historians revisited the heroic journey of India's freedom struggle. They explored significant events, movements, and leaders who contributed to India's independence. The highlight of this exploration was the study of the "Tryst with Destiny" speech by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, delivered on the eve of India's independence. Continuing our exploration of weather and climate, we delved deeper into the concepts of heat zones and climate zones. Students learned about the Earth's division into different heat zones based on the sun's rays, understanding the distinction between tropical, temperate, and polar zones. We also discussed the various factors affecting climate. Using globes, students identified countries located in different climate zones, enhancing their geographical knowledge and understanding of how climate varies across the world. Our geographical journey took us to Greenland, where students learned about the extreme cold and icy conditions prevalent in this region. We explored the limited vegetation and the traditional lifestyle of the Inuit people, understanding how they have adapted to the harsh climate. The discussion also covered the impact of climate change on Greenland, particularly the melting glaciers. This topic was linked to SDG 13: Climate Action, where students brainstormed ways to curb global warming and protect our planet. To reinforce their learning, students participated in live Quizziz sessions. The quizzes helped students recap their knowledge in a fun and engaging manner, ensuring they retained the important lessons from each topic. MathematicsThe month post the Summer Break commenced with the recapitulation of the concepts of Number Systems and Addition/Subtraction of Large Numbers, thereby working on real-life situations, using the RUCSAC method. Students learned to calculate the ‘Missing Numbers’ in Addition/Subtraction questions and developed an understanding of Estimating the Sums and Differences of Large Numbers. They further had multiple recapitulations of the concepts done, to prepare for the upcoming Unit Test. To enhance their learning of Number Operations, students first all revisited the Multiplication Tables and had a recapitulation practice of multiplying by 1- and 2-digit multipliers. They further learned to multiply large numbers with 3-digit multipliers and practiced multiple such questions. They were more than excited to learn the Lattice Method of Multiplication and explored and practiced the same to a good extent. Students took their learning to another level by solving real-life situations involving the multiplication of large numbers by a 3-digit multiplier. Hindiगर्मियों की छुट्टियों के बारे में बच्चों से बातचीत की गई। छात्रों को विडियो दिखाकर बताया गया कि शब्द कैसे और किसके मेल से बनते हैं | उन्हें सार्थक और निरर्थक शब्दों के अंतर बारे में समझाया गया | छात्रों से मस्तिष्क मानचित्र बनवाकर, व्याकरण से पाठ-पठन करवाकर शब्द रचना के तीनों भेदों के बारे में लिखवाया गया | छात्रों से कला विज्ञान के साथ एकीकृत करते हुए गतिविधि में तत्सम, तदभव, देशज व विदेशी शब्दों का पेड़ बनवाकर उनमे शब्द लिखवाए गए | शब्द रचना की मौखिक व क्विज द्वारा पुनरावृत्ति करवाई गई ताकि छात्र विषय को समझ सकें |उनके व्याकरणिक और बौद्धिक स्तर का विकास हुआ। छात्रों से नाम का महत्व पूछकर बिना नाम के शब्दों की कहानी सुनाकर नाम का महत्व बताते हुए संज्ञा का परिचय दिया गया | व्याकरण पुस्तक से पाठ-पठन करवाकर संज्ञा के भेदों का ज्ञान दिया गया | पीपीटी व विडियो दिखाकर संज्ञा के विकार लिंग, वचन और कारक के बारे में बताया गया | उन्हें मस्तिष्क मानचित्र बनवाकर इनका ज्ञान दिया गया, जिससे छात्र इनमें अंतर करते हुए अधिक से अधिक नए शब्दों को जानने में सक्षम हुए | पुस्तक-ज्ञान सुधा से कहानी पढ़कर संज्ञा व उसके विकार का अभ्यास करवाया गया | शारीरिक शिक्षा से एकीकृत करते हुए छात्रों को क्रिकेट के बारे में बताते हुए संबंधित नियमों की जानकारी दी गई। इससे छात्रों का मनोरंजन के साथ स्वास्थ्य लाभ भी हुआ। छात्रों ने अपने मनपसंद किसी एक खिलाड़ी पर परियोजना तैयार करते हुए शानदार प्रस्तुतिकरण दी । मासिक विषय और सतत विकास के लक्ष्य -१५ ‘थलीय जीवों की सुरक्षा’ के साथ एकीकृत करते हुए लुप्त हो रहे जानवरों के बचाव की सुरक्षा में तथा जंगली जानवरों की तस्करी कम करने पर बल देते हुए एक चित्र सहित अनुच्छेद लेखन कराया गया। इस तरह से रचनात्मक, कलात्मक और क्रियात्मक कौशल का विकास हुआ। लिंक:- https://youtu.be/ADm28A-QlKk https://youtu.be/OOpooCc0s6Q?si=lvt_2XfaKcwdU11 https://youtu.be/x5YyShdoJ1A https://youtu.be/kbMdc9UilCwhttps://youtu.be/mCd-BETvCQw FrenchWe kicked off the term with lessons on the numbers (1-20) and the verb- Etre. These are foundational elements in French, and understanding them is crucial for forming basic sentences. To further improve their language skills, students engaged in pronunciation and reading exercises. They read aloud from our textbook, focusing particularly on Lesson 2. This practice not only boosts their confidence but also ensures they are speaking French correctly. We also focused on the communication part of the language where they were taught basic dialogues of introducing oneself and salutations. Revision for UT 1 was commemorated with a supportive worksheet, helping students ease back into their studies. We were delighted to witness the excitement among the students as they attempted their first French exam. SpanishIn our recent Spanish class, students delved into the world of basic questions and answers, which are essential for any conversation. One of the first questions they learned to ask and answer was: Question: ¿Cómo te llamas? (What is your name?) Answer: Me llamo [your name]. (My name is [your name].) This question is fundamental for introducing yourself in any conversation. They practiced this in pairs and then shared it with the class. Additionally, they have explored nationalities and how to express them in Spanish which are crucial for describing where people come from. Here are some examples: Question: ¿De dónde eres tú? (What is your nationality?) To make their learning process more engaging, the two interactive methods were employed: 1. Chalk Talk: This activity involved writing their answers to various questions on the board. It allowed everyone to see the diversity in their responses and facilitated a class-wide discussion. 2. Think-Pair-Share: In this activity, they first thought about their answers individually, and then paired up with a partner to share and discuss their responses. Finally, they shared their findings with the entire class. This method helped them practice speaking and listening in Spanish, enhancing their conversational skills. GermanWith the start of school after the summer break, we covered the topic "Schulsachen." The children were taught new vocabulary, and a video song based on the topic was shown to help them visualize the new words. Additionally, "die Kiste" was introduced to the children, emphasizing a read-and-visual approach. The students then worked with their materials, including various workbooks, textbooks, and activity exercises. This approach allowed us to cover various skills such as reading, listening, writing, and intercultural competence. We also covered the topic "Learn More About Germany," familiarizing the children with famous things in Germany. They were able to categorize them into groups like Autos, Süßes, Andere, Essen, and Trinken. Through a partner exercise, they learned how to ask, "Was ist das?" Sanskritधातुपरिचय: प्रथम-पुरुष लट्लकार आधारित अनुवाद गतिविधि - (पी॰पी॰टी) पर "मत्स्य मानचित्र" के माध्यम से पुरुष -वचन अनुसार पाठ ४ - आकारान्त– स्त्रीलिंग , पाठ ५ - धातुपरिचय पाठानुसार परिवर्तनीय और अपरिवर्तनीय धातुरूपों का सामान्य परिचय कराते हुए तालिका द्वारा लट्लकार आधारित तीनों पुरुषों का स्पष्टीकरण और अनुप्रयोगात्मक अभ्यास , उदाहरण प्रत्युदाहरण द्वारा पूर्ण कराते हुए पुनरावृत्तिस्वरूप लिखित अभ्यासकार्य कराया गया । इकाई परीक्षा की पुनरावृत्ति कराते हुए अभ्यासपत्र द्वारा वर्णविच्छेद-वर्णसंयोग , संस्कृत – वर्णमाला , स्वर –ह्रस्वस्वर , दीर्घस्वर, व्यंजन, पंचमाक्षर, संयुक्ताक्षर, पंचमाक्षर, सब्जियों- अंगों के संस्कृत नामों से परिचित कराते हुए लिखित अभ्यास कराया गया । सतत विकास लक्ष्य – ‘सभी को शिक्षा के माध्यम से स्वस्थ जीवन देना और सभी के जीवनस्तर में सुधार लाना । अव्ययशब्दों का सामान्य ज्ञान का अनुप्रयोग करते हुए दैनिक जीवन में संस्कृत भाषा ज्ञान प्राप्त करना उपर्युक्त पाठ्यवस्तु का मुख्योद्देश्य रहा । ICTThe students learnt how to use mail merge, create the recipient list, create the document for the same and hands-on during their practical lesson. They also attempted their first unit test and practical. Physical EducationBadminton: Practicing footwork and movements with a shuttlecock, wall hitting, shuttle juggling, and knocking with partners. Students were practicing 4 corners footwork and clear skill practice. Gymnastics: Students practiced standing bridge, handstandbridge, kartwheel on the balancing beam and free hand jump. Judo: Ogoshi (Waist throw), Tai Sabaki (Turning movement), Uchi Komi (Technique practice) and Ukemis (Falls). Cricket: Due to maintanance of ground students were playing indoor Cricket at MPH and practicing Basic rules of the sport, Batting basics, Bowling basics, Fielding drills, Hand-eye coordination drills. Shooting: Weapon introduction, fundamentals and safety rules, range commands, single hand holding with 1Kg dumble. Dummy holding with the help of dummy and double hand holding without dumble. Football: Due to maintanance of ground students were going to Badminton, Gymnastics and Kho Kho. Indian Musicजुलाई माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: गायन अभ्यास: अलंकार राग ताला परिचय कहानी के माध्यम से, तीन ताल परिचय, तबला बोल गीत, राग समूह, राग भीमपालसी एवं भैरव परिचय आरोह अवरोह बंदिश,एकल चलो रे प्रयोग हुए वाद्य: तानपूरा ऑडियो ट्रैक, तबला ,कांगो ,हारमोनियम । गायन तकनीक: गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक,गीत के माध्यम से तत वाद्यों का संक्षिप्त परिचय । वाद्य - कांगो , बोंगो एवं तबला का प्रारंभिक परिचय , हस्तमुद्रा (तीन ताल ) Western MusicStudents learned the rhythmic beat of the song "A Million Dreams" from the movie The Greatest Showman on various instruments, orchestrating vocals with the parading beat and harmonious melody. The instruments used in the song include keyboard, voices in strings, guitar, piano, and drums. Indian DanceIn their Indian Dance lessons, students engaged in the following: Patriotic Dance: Students learned a dance based on a patriotic theme, helping them understand the significance of freedom and Independence Day. Through this dance, they explored the geographical and socio-cultural differences within India, as well as the concepts of Unity in Diversity and national integration. Song: "Des Rangila Rangila, Des Mera Rangila....." Dance Style: Indian Folk Dances Kathak Conditioning: To condition and motivate their bodies and minds for Indian Classical dance Kathak, students learned: The structure of Teentaal - Tatkaar in Ekgun and Dugun - Hastak/Movements: Suchita and Pushpak - Hast Mudra Western DanceIn their Western Dance lessons with Ms. Jessica for Grade 5, the students learned: 1. Integration of the 'National Animal of India,' the 'Tiger' (patriotic theme), with SCIENCE (Animals & their surroundings) through Freestyle dance. 2. The characteristics of the animal and common elements of patriotic dance through the concept of "United in Diversity." 3. Facts about wildlife conservation and the significance of the Tiger in Indian culture. 4. A dance on the rhythms of wildlife and patriotism (a simple dance sequence using learned movements). 5. Tiger-like movements with correct posture and timing (Channe basic turn, relevé, 1st position + parallel, creeping, pouncing, stretching, passé hold, cautious stalk, powerful leap). 6. Warm-up exercises focusing on flexibility and agility. 7. Basic dance counts of a 1-8 bar. 8. A cool-down session involving a relaxing stretch. Dance style: Freestyle Song: https://youtu.be/uinBpHT-AxM?si=1nRDHaXOpPcEFNDn (Baagh Aayo Re) DramaIn July, our drama class focused on the theme of voice and speech, essential skills for performing artists. Here's a concise recap of our activities: Key Learning Activities: Breathing Techniques: - Students learned the importance of proper breathing for vocal performance. They practiced deep breathing exercises to understand how breath control enhances vocal strength and clarity. Pitch and Sound Production: - Through fun activities, students explored how different pitches are produced and how they can be used to express various emotions. They learned about the role of breath and resonators in generating sound. Articulation and Speech: - Students practiced converting sound into clear speech, focusing on articulation and clarity. This helped them understand how to use their voice effectively in performance. Voice Modulation: - The class explored voice modulation, learning how to vary tone and pitch to enhance storytelling. This skill is crucial for creating engaging and dynamic performances. "Fairy Tale Kingdom" Activity: - In this activity, students practiced modulating their voices to portray different characters, highlighting the importance of voice in character development. These activities helped students understand the mechanics of voice and speech, equipping them with tools to bring characters and stories to life more effectively. Life SkillsThe Life Skill module for grades 3 to 5 took students on an engaging journey into the world of mindfulness. Recognized for its powerful impact on child development, mindfulness taught our students to be fully present and immersed in each moment. Throughout the module, students explored various mindfulness practices, including mindful breathing, attentive listening, and mindful movement. They discovered how to sharpen their focus, calm their minds, and navigate their emotions with newfound skills. With a mix of fun activities, guided exercises, and lively discussions, the module provided students with practical tools to enhance their daily lives. This interactive and reflective approach aimed to foster a positive and supportive classroom atmosphere, helping students thrive both inside and outside the classroom. Visual ArtsThe young artists discovered how to sharpen their focus, calm their minds, and navigate their emotions with newfound skills. With a mix of fun activities, guided exercises, and lively discussions, the module provided students with practical tools to enhance their daily lives. This interactive and reflective approach aimed to foster a positive and supportive classroom atmosphere, helping students thrive both inside and outside the classroom. EnglishApril was a month of exploration and learning for the students of Grade V! They began with an exciting ice-breaking activity, followed by reflective sessions. Their language journey progressed with "I-Spy" activities focused on nouns, enhancing their understanding of grammar in Unit 2. They explored "The Flight of Icarus," analyzing its themes through word phrases, frame sentences, and fill-ups. Additionally, they honed their writing skills through story writing and reinforced their grammar knowledge with revision worksheets, culminating in a Unit Test. April was a month of growth, curiosity, academic adventure, and assessment for the students of Grade V! Moving into May, our Grade V students immersed themselves in the world of pronouns and the intriguing tales of Sherlock Holmes! They explored different types of pronouns—personal, possessive, and demonstrative—and practiced using them in sentences. In the last week of the month, they delved into the world of punctuation! They discovered the importance of commas, periods, exclamation points, and question marks through interactive lessons and engaging exercises. ScienceIn April, students returned to the campus with excitement and began exploring their bodies through a study of various systems, organs, tissues, and cells. They focused on the skeletal system, including major bones and their connection to muscles. Visiting the lab for a 3D skeleton model clarified concepts, while audio-visual aids enhanced their understanding. Carrying forward in the month of May, students conducted simple experiments to learn about different forces like electromagnetic, buoyant, gravitational, and frictional forces. They also studied simple machines and classes of levers, understanding load, fulcrum, and effort placement. Further, students explored different kinds of force, including electromagnetic, buoyant, gravitational, and frictional forces, through engaging experiments. They also delved into simple machines and classes of levers, understanding concepts like load, fulcrum, and effort, and how lever types are determined by their positions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hyqlKVm2ks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHyl2qfTTrM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NF51ioK6U14 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHdtRXsRYlE Social Science"Embark on your learning journey with excitement and determination, for every step you take opens new doors to wisdom and growth.” The journey of the new session began with welcoming the children in the new grade wherein they mingled with their new friends and delved into a diverse array of topics concerning India's governance and historical journey. They explored the intricate levels and organs of government, emphasizing the importance of an independent judiciary in upholding justice. Tracing back to history, we examined the arrival of the British in India and the multifaceted reasons behind it, shedding light on the discontent among different segments of Indian society, including farmers, artisans, and local kingdoms, under colonial rule. Our discussion extended to British policies such as the Doctrine of Lapse and Subsidiary Alliance, which shaped India's socio-political landscape. Furthermore, we critically analyzed the Indian Rebellion of 1857, elucidating its causes, failures, and far-reaching consequences. Our young minds embarked on a project exploring the name of Presidents of India along with an interesting fact about them and crafted a manifesto for junior council elections, showcasing their proactive engagement in democratic processes. Students attempted the weekend worksheet to help them reflect, jotting down their responses in their notebooks. In May, the students learned about the Indian Freedom Struggle. They began by studying social reformers and then moved on to the formation of the Indian National Congress. The partition of Bengal was explained, shedding light on the reasons presented by the British and the hidden motives behind it. The students explored the three phases of the INC, focusing on the moderates, radicals, and Mahatma Gandhi. The differences in their methods and demands were discussed. They also delved into the tragic event of the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre and how it sparked the nationalist movement in our country. Furthermore, they examined the non-cooperation movement, Dandi March, and Quit India movement. The topic concluded by connecting it to the partition of India and Pakistan, highlighting the journey to final independence. Additionally, the students took a Unit Test during this month. MathA collaborative activity on making Indian and International Place Value Charts helped the students to recapitulate their understanding of both the Number Systems. Students practiced to write the Standard/Word/Expanded Form of 9 digit numbers in both Indian and International Number Systems. They worked on comparing Large Numbers and arranging them in ascending and descending order. Students also learnt to form Large numbers with and without repeating the given digits and and enhanced their learning of large numbers by Rounding-Off to nearest Tens, Hundreds and Thousands. Understanding the Equivalence between the two number systems was an experience of altogether another level for them. The students were elated to know about Roman Numerals and participated in fun-activity in relation to the learning of the same. They practiced several questions to have a better understanding of the Roman Numerals. Students took their understanding of Addition and Subtraction to another level by working on and solving Word problems on real-life situations involving the two operations. Resource Links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jd0Hzyc1SMk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrnXsKYpLJM Hindiछात्रों का परिचय लेकर व्याकरण पुस्तक के पाठ-पठन द्वारा भाषा और उसके महत्त्व तथा रूपों पर विस्तृत चर्चा की गई और बोली व भाषा में अंतर बताया गया | वर्णो के भेद- संयुक्त व्यंजन, अनुस्वार, अनुनासिक, विसर्ग, द्वित्त्व व्यंजन, ‘र’ के विभिन्न रूप व वर्ण –विच्छेद का ज्ञान दिया गया | मासिक विषय के साथ एकीकृत करते हुए छात्रों से अपने परिवार के सभी सदस्यों के नाम कार्य-पुस्तिका में लिखवाकर उनका वर्ण–विच्छेद करवाया गया । पाठ 'अफ़्रीका का गाँधी' का पाठ-पठन व अभ्यास कार्य किया गया और नेल्सन मंडेला के जीवन चरित्र से संबन्धित विडियो दिखाकर चर्चा की गई। छात्रों को नेल्सन मंडेला पर शोध कार्य करते हुए वर्तमान समय में नोबल पुरस्कार पाने वाले किन्हीं पाँच व्यक्तियों की सूची बनवाई गई। ‘अपना स्थान स्वयं बनाएँ' पाठ का पठन कराते हुए पुस्तकीय अभ्यास कार्य कराया गया। पाठ के माध्यम से छात्रों को ईमानदारी और मेहनत की सीख मिली। प्रथम इकाई परीक्षा के लिए पाठ्यक्रमों की लिखित और मौखिक पुनरावृत्ति कराई गई | छात्रों के पठन व लेखन कौशल का विकास हुआ । लिंक:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdNakckh4hc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nE4W4RBYr8 https://hindi.nvshq.org/nelson-mandela-biography-in-hindi/ SpanishIn the month of May, students explored the basics of Spanish greetings, polite phrases, numbers and some fascinating facts about Spanish-speaking countries. The started by mastering simple yet essential Spanish instructions and greetings. These greetings are the building blocks of any conversation in Spanish, and the students have enjoyed using them in classroom activities and role-plays. In addition to greetings, students have learned various polite phrases that are commonly used in daily interactions. Using these phrases, students are not only learning the language but also the importance of politeness and respect in communication. Students have also been engaged learning numbers in Spanish, which are crucial for everyday interactions. To add a cultural element to our lessons, we’ve been exploring interesting facts about various Spanish-speaking countries with their capital cities. By learning about these countries, students are gaining a broader understanding of the diverse and rich cultures where Spanish is spoken. GermanIn April German was introduced the students of class V. They were welcomed in class with ,,Herzlichen Willkommen''.They introduced with the basic greetings in German like Hallo! ,Gruess dich!Tschuess!,Auf Wiedersehen! Guten Morgen! Guten Tag!, Gute Nacht! Collage making activity was done by the students, How to greet others in german, How to ask and say names in German, In the next class we did Das Alphabets (30) in German with examples as well through the songs. We also did colours in german. They made a poster for the same in German. Numbers from 0 to 20 were thought in german. Children enjoyed the whole learning process. However days of the week in German as well the months of the years in connection with four seasons of the year were covered. Children learned the colours of the Flag of Germany. In May we did how to fill form in german, how to introduced themselves in german was recapitulated. And finally the books came with children and they started working the activity book from page six to page thirteen. We also covered Kapitel 1 in the Lehrbuch. It was a fun and frolic experience for kids who are learning a foreign language. ICTThe session commenced with an icebreaking activity where students creatively depicted their favorite software, activity, or application on paper for others to guess. Following this, students were introduced to the concept of tables in MS Word, emphasizing their significance. Through hands-on practice, students learned how to create and format tables, manipulate rows and columns, insert images, use autofill, convert text to tables, and perform calculations within the table. In addition, students delved into the Evolution of computers, exploring different computer generations and learning about various inventors and their calculating machines. To aid understanding and retention, students were tasked with creating a table in a Word document related to this topic. Physical EducationBadminton: Outdoor Practice: Practicing footwork and movements without a shuttlecock, wall Hitting, shuttle juggling, knocking with partners. Gymnastics: Terminology terms like vault, beam, floor exercise, uneven bars, and pommel horse were discussed which are apparatuses used in gymnastics. Judo: Osotogari ( Technique for throw) all fall, ushiro ukemi, mae ukemi and Yuko ukemi. Cricket: Basics of Cricket: Understanding the objectives and equipment used in the game of cricket, including bats, balls, and wickets. Friendly matches among students. Basketball: Dribbling: Learning to control and move the basketball using right-hand and left-hand dribbles. Defensive rebounding and passing while on the move. Football: Friendly matches among students. Shooting (Grade 5 and Above): Holding dumbles with one hand, body balance exercise related to balance i.e. planks, squats, front planks, side planks and one leg balance. Live fire with pellets and target paper. Indian Musicअप्रैल एवं मई माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: गायन अभ्यास: अलंकार राग ताला परिचय कहानी के माध्यम से, तीन ताल परिचय, तबला बोल गीत, राग समूह, राग भैरव परिचय आरोह अवरोह बंदिश, प्रयोग हुए वाद्य: तानपूरा ऑडियो ट्रैक । गायन तकनीक: गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक,गीत के माध्यम से तत वाद्यों का संक्षिप्त परिचय । Western Dancen their Western Dance lessons, the students learnt: Only for Grade 5 1. The Dance forms: Modern Dance (Limon Technique) and Kids Zumba Dance fitness (Level 2 Intermediate). 2. A brief overview of the dance forms and basic dance terminology, concepts, and principles, class format and objectives. 3. Warm up exercises. 4. Body isolation movements. 5. Zumba choreography of the 1st basic rhythm "Merengue". 6. Technical steps: Arm articulations, Plie, Merengue basic march, Side step, 2-step, V-step, Beto shuffle, Hip movements. 7. Cool down session- Meditation, sleeping therapy, basic stretches to de-stress. Song: For Modern Dance(People help the people), For Zumba Kids(Don't stop the party). DramaOur new session commenced with a vibrant icebreaker, sparking enthusiasm from day one. This month, we honed in on: • Concentration Exercises: From simple to complex commands, students improved listening and task-following skills. • Focus-Boosting Activities: "Focus Counting" and "Frog in the Pond" enhanced their alertness and spatial awareness. • Surroundings Awareness: Emphasizing the importance of being observant on and off stage. In May, students learned about the importance of observation through various games and activities. They discovered how observation aids in theater performance and everyday life. Activities like the Mirror activity and "What Are You Doing?" helped them understand and practice observation skills. During improvisations, they recalled their observations to create and perform scenes or on-the-spot improvisations. Indian DanceIn their Indian Dance lessons, the students learnt: The power of Deva Shree Ganesha, destroy all your sorrows, enhance your happiness, and create goodness all around you. Lord Ganesha bless you with worldly bounties. Keep you protected from obstacles at all times, with this thought we at Suncity started the new session with a beautiful Ganesh Vandana. Students learnt beautiful postures, mudras and body balancing along with Kathak basics- Tatkaar, Hastak, Shringar ras and body movements. Song: Hey Ganraya Dance style: Kathak Visual ArtsStudents learned about Indian folk art Madhubani and geometric shapes, integrating art with math. They showcased their understanding by creating architectural heritage structures. Assembly- WORLD HERITAGE DAY-5AAssembly- WORLD MALARIA DAY-5BAssembly- ANNIVERSARY OF THE CINEMATIC GENIUS- SATYAJIT ROY -5CAssembly- RABINDRANATH TAGORE JAYANTI-5DParent Walk-InThe Parent Walk-in, a unique concept at Suncity School was held on 15th May 2024. Our fifth graders showcased their diverse talents in the fields of Science, Math and Visual Art during the Subject Integration week with a resounding success. This event saw the students donning the hat of an educator and parents becoming students. Many parents were put on the spot by our confident youngsters with tricky questions. Functioning of a Robotic hand, Bone Health food counter to sell sandwiches to parents and proceeds that will be donated toward a good cause, working models of Simple Machines, an interactive game counter, F1 car racing, Roman Numerals, Number Equivalent, Number System game, Rangometry, Madhubani & Mosaic art integrated with Shape concept and many more were some of the counters on display. This one-on-one interaction between the students and parents saw a perfect showcasing of 21st-century skills – Collaboration, Creativity, Communication, and Critical Thinking all coming to the fore to the proud parents. Parents were thrilled and proud to see the change in their children where every individual child was an equal participant. ENGLISH The month commenced with Project Based Learning where our students embarked on a journey exploring fundamental concepts such as freedom of speech related to Newspaper Report Writing. The topic had begun by delving into the notion of "freedom of speech," examining its origins and its manifestation in the Indian Constitution through the Indian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The spotlight then turned to newspapers, as students dissected the anatomy of a newspaper, identifying components like headlines, bylines, and the body of an article. Transitioning to hands-on application, students were engaged in a dynamic activity where they collaboratively created a newspaper covering their school's Sports Day Celebration, Blue Planet, Annual Day Examination,etc. Shifting gears, students dived into the realm of autobiographies, discerning the distinctions between autobiographies and biographies.The students were guided to draft their autobiographical narratives. In the interdisciplinary domain, students explored the lunar journey in a science-integrated lesson, watching a video about astronauts walking on the moon. This served as a catalyst for inquiry-based learning, where students constructed their understanding and mapped their insights. In February, the students delved into the nuanced world of prepositions, understanding how they connect words and phrases to create meaning. The journey into effective note-taking unfolded with enthusiasm. Techniques ranging from mind maps to concise bullet points were explored. Witnessing the transformation as students translated their thoughts into organized, coherent notes was truly rewarding. The chapter, 'Looking at the Sky', opened a gateway to boundless imagination. Students were encouraged to let their thoughts take flight as they pondered the connection of the celestial canvas. Through quizzes, oral discussions, reflective tasks, creative writing problems, and worksheets, the students have successfully recapitulated the concepts that are a part of Annual Examination. SCIENCE The month of January commenced with the introduction of the new topic Sun, Moon and Eclipses. Creative work and diagrams of moon phases clarified the concepts related to phases of moon. Activity with the help of globe and torch gave students a hands on learning of the eclipses, both lunar and solar, Layers of the earth, Sun's structure and understanding of stars gave students deep insight to celestial structures. Students also understood the importance of man made satellites and learned how the satellites were placed to give maximum benefit to mankind. The month of February started with another topic - Soil. The students enhanced their knowledge about soil topography, soil profile, soil erosion and steps that are taken for soil conservation. They also prepared and presented the models of soil profile using different types of soil and materials. 3D working models of eclipses were also presented by the students which gave them clarity and confidence about it. February was also the month for recapitulation. Through quizzes, oral discussions, reflective tasks, creative projects, and real-life applications, these students successfully recapitulated the key concepts covered. SOCIAL SCIENCE Students during the month have had the wonderful opportunity to delve into the fascinating world of maps and explore the different types that exist. Through engaging discussions and interactive activities, the students have gained a deeper understanding of the three main categories of maps: physical, political, and thematic. During their integrated math sessions, students seamlessly integrated the concept of map scale into their learning. In addition to discussions and reflections, their creative minds have showcased their imagination and artistic skills by creating a floor map of their ideal school. This hands-on activity has not only sparked their creativity but has also highlighted the advantages of using maps over globes when studying specific regions in detail. Through this project, students have discovered that maps provide a more detailed and customizable representation of places, allowing them to focus on specific areas of interest. Furthermore, the students have embarked on a live quiz that has provided them with a practical experience of. their learning journey. Later, in the month, they learnt about the latitudes and longitudes. They found the exact loaction of continents and oceans by following the concept of grid. Through quizzes, oral discussions, reflective tasks, creative projects, and real-life applications, these 5th-grade students have successfully recapitulated the key concepts covered. MATHEMATICS The lessons post the winter break commenced with the continued learning of the concepts of Geometry. The students got an understanding of how to classify angles and name them as well. While exploring and differentiating the concepts of Area and Perimeter, students of grade V computed the Area and Perimeter of various spaces of the school, example, the tennis court, principal's room, their classroom, reception area, etc. They learnt and practiced to compute the Area and Perimeter of squares and rectangles. The month culminated with the reiteration of the concepts of Factors and Multiples, Fractions and Percentages for the upcomjing Unit Test. In the month of February the students learnt more about the concepts of Time and Measurements and practiced related questions. They worked on the conversions of units of Time and related the 24 Hour clock to the 12-Hour clock. Exploring more about Lengths, Capacities and Weights, the grade V students worked on adding and subtracting the values and converting the bigger units to smaller units and vice-versa. Further more, during the month of February, the students got an understanding of the concept of Profit and Loss and were inrtoduced to the conecpt of Unitary Method. They practiced multiple questions on the same and worked on real life situations to undertsnad Profit n Loss and Unitary Method better. Towards the second half of the month, the students got into the much required doubt clarification and rigorous recapitulation of the concepts, to help them all prepare for the Final Examinations. FRENCH In the month of January, we delved into the fascinating realm of planets, learning the vocabulary in French of our solar system. The discussion extended to the renowned Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium, enhancing our understanding of celestial bodies and astronomical wonders. To bolster our language skills, we introduced the concept of possessive adjectives through a comprehensive table and examples. The highlight of the session was undoubtedly the creative endeavour by the students, who thoroughly enjoyed crafting vibrant posters depicting the solar system—in French! This hands-on activity not only reinforced our newfound vocabulary but also added an artistic flair to our cosmic journey. In February, students wrapped up the syllabus for their upcoming annual exams, engaging in various preparatory activities such as dictation, oral revision, internal assessments, and honing their reading skills. To reinforce their learning, revision sheet was solved in class. Amidst the academic hustle, on the bagless day, a lively number game was done for a bit of fun into their rigorous routine. SPANISH The month of January commenced with an exploration of various festivals celebrated in Spain and Latin America. The class delved into expanding their vocabulary related to the universe, illustrating the solar system in their notebooks while identifying the planets in the Spanish language. Additionally, the students learnt how to name different rooms of the school and practiced asking basic questions related to this topic. In February, students completed the Syllabus planned for the Annual Examination.The topic of time reading was finalized with plenty of exercises. Revision worksheet was shared in Teams and attempted in class. Two more revisions were shared in Teams and motivated the class to attempt in the notebooks as well as a Sample paper that was shared as an assigment. The answer key of the worksheets was shared to compare the answers. Orals skills, reading and speaking were tested to be added as part of the Annual examination total. GERMAN The month of January the theme was solar system and planets. Students enjoyed drawing out the solar system and discussing the nomenclature of planets. Further, we discussed how planets like Pluto get classified as dwarf planets. The German language skills were bolstered with the teaching of vocabulary in German.The art activity reinforced linguistic as well as artistic skills. In February, students completed the planned revisions. The Sample Paper was revised and reading exercises were conducted. SANSKRIT छात्रों को अपठित अवबोधन, चित्र-वर्णन और अनुवाद स्पष्ट किया गया। छात्रों की संस्कृत-भाषा में अब धीरे-धीरे पकड़ होने लगी और अब वे संस्कृत की कार्यपत्रिका को भी अच्छी प्रकार से पूरा करने लगे। In the month of February, children did revision of all the concepts that are a part of Annual Examination. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY In January, students immersed into the world of coding using Scratch Programming. They learnt that it is a block based progamming language for students. They learnt about its different features - sprite, background, blocks and coding the blocks. They were excited to get the user input, addition of numbers, making a theater stage and using pen blocks. They were able to create diverse projects to reflect their highest creativity. Students unleashed their creativity with pen block by creating diverse designs. In February, students revised the concepts of Scratch and MS Excel & Working with Internet through Revision Sheets and Sample papers. They also did hands on practice to make different programs in Scratch using block based coding. They were able to create beautiful animations using Sprites, blocks, loops & background. They were guided the ways to attempt the Question Paper. They also appeared for their Theory and practical Annual Exam. Students were introduced to the terms URL, ISP, WWW, etc. While learning about Internet. PHYSICAL EDUCATION In January, under the guidance of their respective teachers/ coaches, students learnt: Badminton: Evaluation of skills, skill demonstration by students, practice with teacher, 11 points match, Knockout matches and match playing. Gymnastics: Basic floor exercises and balancing beam activities, performed on a padded floor mat, involving a combination of forward roll, backward roll, handstand and artistic exercise, walking and balancing on the beam. Judo: Ushiro Ukemi (Backward fall), Mae Ukemi (Forward fall) Cricket: Batting Basics, Front foot defence, Backfoot defence, Bowling basics, Pace bowling, spin bowling, Fielding drills, Running between the wickets, Practice Matches to apply all the knowledge. Basketball: Shooting Layups: A fundamental shot where a player drives to the basket and shoots the ball off the backboard or into the hoop and Free Throws Football: Push pass, In step receiving the ball, Outstep Receiving and Chest pass, Kicking; Drills to teach In step, Out step, Chip shot, Short and long-distance kicking. Heading and Throwing and Defense. Swimming: Basic Strokes: Front Crawl (Freestyle), Backstroke Shooting (Grade 5 and Above): Shooting Techniques (Timed Fire), Fundamentals of the Shoot: Preparation, Aim, Breathing, Trigger control, Follow through, Scoring In February, under the guidance of their respective teachers/ coaches, students learnt: Badminton: Outdoor Practice: Practicing footwork and movements without a shuttlecock, wall Hitting, shuttle juggling, knocking with partners. Gymnastics: Terminology terms like vault, beam, floor exercise, uneven bars, and pommel horse were discussed which are apparatuses used in gymnastics. Judo: Osotogari ( Technique for throw) all fall, ushiro ukemi, mae ukemi and Yuko ukemi. Cricket: Basics of Cricket: Understanding the objectives and equipment used in the game of cricket, including bats, balls, and wickets. Match was played. Basketball: Dribbling: Learning to control and move the basketball using right-hand and left-hand dribbles. Defensive rebounding and passing while movement. Football: Match play among themselves. Shooting (Grade 5 and Above): Holding dumbles with one hand, body balance exercise related to balance i.e. planks, squats, front planks, side planks and one leg balance. Live fire with pellets and target paper. INDIAN MUSIC जनवरी माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: गायन अभ्यास: शुद्ध स्वर अलंकार गीत : पंजाबी लोक गीत सुंदर मुन्दरिए , देशभक्ति गीत प्रयोग हुए वाद्य: तानपूरा, ऑडियो ट्रैक । गायन तकनीक: गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक , प्रतियोगिता में प्रस्तुति के महत्वपूर्ण बिंदु। वाद्य - कांगो , बोंगो, बककेट ,टेमरिंड ,कलेप बॉक्स ,कीबोर्ड ,ढोल एवं ढोलकएवं तबला का प्रारंभिक परिचय , हस्तमुद्रा (तीन ताल ) एवं भजनी ठेका । फरवरी माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: गायन अभ्यास: शुद्ध स्वर अलंकार गीत : पिछले गीतों का पुनरअभ्यास, सरस्वती वंदना । प्रयोग हुए वाद्य: तानपूरा, ऑडियो ट्रैक । गायन तकनीक: गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक , प्रतियोगिता में प्रस्तुति के महत्वपूर्ण बिंदु। वाद्य - कांगो , बोंगो, बककेट ,टेमरिंड ,कलेप बॉक्स ,कीबोर्ड ,ढोल एवं ढोलकएवं तबला का प्रारंभिक परिचय , हस्तमुद्रा (तीन ताल ) एवं भजनी ठेका । WESTERN MUSIC In January, students learnt Songs;You are my sunshine. Students learnt:pitch accuracy, breath control,Vocal range,Tone quality, Articulation and Diction, Instruments used:Guitar,drums, Piano,Keyboard In February, students learnt Songs: Recap-'500 miles', 'Angels we have heard on high', 'you are my sunshine' Students learnt to recognize rhythm changes, pitch correction, voicing, chords, scales Instrument Used: Keyboard, guitar, drums, clapbox INDIAN DANCE Republic Day is the day when India marks and celebrates the date on which the Constitution of India came into effect on 26 January 1950. This replaced the Government of India Act 1935 as the governing document of India, thus turning the nation into a republic separate from British Raj. To celebrate the same students learnt a freestyle dance, full of patriotic energy and vibrance. DANCE FORM: Freestyle SONG: Chak De India Maha Shivaratri -The Great Night of Shiva is a Hindu festival celebrated annually in honour of the deity Shiva, between February and March. According to the Hindu calendar, the festival is observed on the fourteenth day of the dark (waning) half of the lunar month of Phalguna or Magha. The festival commemorates the wedding of Shiva and Parvati, and the occasion that Shiva performs his divine dance, called the Tandava. Students learnt a beautiful Shiva Stuti on the occasion of Maha Shivratri. DANCE FORM: CLASSICAL SONG- ADIYOGI BY KAILASH KHER WESTERN DANCE In January, in Western Dance lessons, the students learnt: 1. The combination steps of Contemporary Dance: Shoulder isolations, leg kicks, leg raise, bum rolling. 2. Full body strengthening warm-up routine to keep one injury free and strong 3. Choreography was done keeping the essence of full movement intact and add the commercial elements to make the art form interesting. DANCE FORM: Contemporary SONG: Khoon chala from Rang De Basanti In their Western Dance lessons in the month of February, the students learnt: 1. The combination steps of Contemporary Dance: Shoulder isolations, leg kicks, leg raise, bum rolling. 2. Full body strengthening warm-up routine to keep one injury free and strong 3. Choreography was done keeping the essence of full movement intact and add the commercial elements to make the art form interesting. DANCE FORM: Contemporary SONG: Satyamev jayate DRAMA • Students crafted unique puppet characters, developing creativity and imagination within the classroom. • Encouraged to unleash their creativity, students gave names upon their puppet characters and constructed engaging stories to share with their classmates. • The presentation of stories through puppet characters not only showcased their imaginative prowess but also significantly enhanced their confidence during performances. • In addition to puppetry, students engaged in discussions about emotions and expressions, actively participating in various drama activities such as the "emotional circle" and "one dialogue, different emotions." Hello Drama Enthusiasts, As we bid farewell to February, let's take a moment to reflect on the exciting drama activities we've been immersed in over the past month. Our grade 3 and 4 students have been actively engaged in exploring the world of emotions, character development, and space utilization in our drama classes. Family Scene Design: One of the highlights of February was our focus on family scene design. Students were tasked with creating and performing scenes that depicted various family dynamics and emotions. Through this activity, they learned to empathize with different characters, understand their motivations, and express a wide range of emotions on stage. Meissner Technique Practice: In addition to family scene design, students also delved into the Meissner technique. Named after the renowned actor and teacher Sanford Meissner, this technique emphasizes truthful acting, emotional authenticity, and spontaneous reactions. Our students immersed themselves in exercises that honed their listening skills, emotional responsiveness, and ability to live truthfully under imaginary circumstances. Space Utilization Activities: Another key aspect of our drama classes last month was our exploration of space utilization. Students learned how to effectively use the stage space to enhance their performances. They experimented with levels, movement patterns, and stage directions As we look back on these enriching experiences, we are filled with pride and admiration for our talented students. Their dedication, creativity, and passion for drama continue to inspire us every day. We can't wait to see how they will continue to grow and excel in the coming months. VISUAL ARTS In their Visual Art lessons: Students completed the art page in their SDG book. They also made human figures wearing winter clothes. Introduction to various art techniques like- Sagraffito, Silhoutte and Grattage. Students thoroughly enjoyed the process of these techniques. Composition: Human drawing Art Technique: Free hand, colouring, contour outlining Art tools: Pencil, crayons, scale, crayons, oil pastels, pencil colours Learning Outcome: Development of observatory and motor skills, human figure propotion, contour drawing , art techniques and application SDG 4: Quality Education LIFE SKILLS
The topic of the month was Anxiety Management. The goal of the module was to understand emotions, learn ways to regulate them in a healthy way, identify positive coping strategies and structures to help them manage anxiety effectively. In addition, it was aimed to equip children with tools and insights that empower them to face challenges and embrace the positive moments in their lives. It was delivered in an interactive manner through activities, storytelling and visual aids. EnglishLiterature Swifter, Higher, Stronger- The chapter was introduced with an activity to familarise the students with 'fictional and non-fictional' text. The students were shown insightful videos to instill the knowledge and significance of Olympics leading to encourage their participation in sports. The chapter was read aloud by students in turns, with a strong emphasis on accuracy and pronunciation, followed by the discussion which emphasized on the message conveyed through the achievements of Olympics winners- 'hardwork, determination and dedication lead to success'. New vocabulary was introduced and the phrases used in the chapter were uncovered. The students catechized their queries based on the text and expounded their responses to the comprehension questions in their notebook. Grammar Conjunctions- The term 'Conjunction' was introduced through an activity done with the help of flashcards wherein students joined independent sentences with the help of words. The three kinds of Conjunctions - 'Coordinating, Subordinating and Correlative' were explained to the students with various sets of illustrations. Students were taught different acronyms to remember the category of conjunctions. Links used- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3_hZVagQQA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LK9EL25Phs0 HINDIछात्रों को विडिओ की सहायता से अविकारी शब्दों की विस्तृत जानकारी दी गई । मस्तिष्क मानचित्र के माध्यम से अविकारी के चारों भेद क्रियाविशेषण, संबंधबोधक, समुच्चय बोधक एवं विस्मयादिबोधक को भाषा की कुशलता के लिए समझाया गया व व्याकरण पुस्तक से पाठ-पठन करवाते हुए पुस्तकीय अभ्यास करवाया गया । छात्रों को विशेषण और क्रियाविशेषण में अंतर उदाहरण के द्वारा समझाया गया । सतत विकास के लक्ष्य-9 उद्योग, नवाचार और अवसरंचना और सामाजिक विज्ञान के साथ एकीकृत करते हुए छात्रों के साथ मेलों के विषय में बात की गई और उन्हें सूरजकुंड के मेले से संबन्धित विडियो दिखाकर सूरजकुंड मेले की विस्तृत जानकारी दी गई व पठन कौशल के विकास हेतु पाठ 'सूरजकुंड का मेला' का पाठ-पठन करवाया गया | सूरजकुंड मेले की प्रसिद्ध वस्तुओं के बारे में जानकारी एकत्रित करते हुए छात्रों ने A-4 शीट पर कोलाज बनाया | छात्रों के विकास के लिए का व्याकरण व साहित्य का लिखित मूल्यांकन लिया गया | छात्रों का भाषायी विकास हुआ और उनके शब्दकोश में वृद्धि हुई | लिंक : https://youtu.be/fAzCedpZsz0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0R_ElrGIVw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dptOGufKOZQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fMBL70owuQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mJLO_Rkyjo https://hindi.oneindia.com/religion-spirituality/essay-on-surajkund-mela-historical-facts-pics-375509.html https://youtu.be/Ur-QKk6-JE0 https://youtu.be/svOLOdRGqY8 MATHDecember month witnessed the introduction and exploration of the concept of 'Percentages'. The students learnt to relate Percentages to Fractions and Decimals and practiced related Conversions. They developed an understanding of computing Values with given Percentages and also computing Percentages with the values given. Resource Links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8lOj4w0_lY -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGOMLR_4zD4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AL0-0f9azNo SCIENCEThe students embarked on the journey of another important topic - States Of Matter. Apart from exploring and investigating the factors that make matter change from one state to another, students also touched upon the concept of sublimation discussing ample examples from real life. Students made solutions with various solutes and solvents and concluded on the properties of a solution. The concepts of solute and solvent would now be permanently seated in their minds. Physical and chemical changes was touched upon this month and understanding the factors that qualify a change to be of physical or chemical in nature was also highlighted. Students are now adept in analysing a change to be of physical or chemical in nature. Enviromental awareness is an important part of our living. Environmental issues were highlighted again as a part of integration with Social Studies. SDG 13 was part of the integration. SOCIAL SCIENCEThis month, the students delved deeper into their learning journey wherein they learnt about the new topic 'Weather and Climate'. The difference between the two terms along with the elements and the factors affecting them were discussed in detail. Continuing the learning journey further, the heat zones were recalled and students located the different countries in different heat zones as their reflection task. The next topic 'Government of India' was introduced. Levels and the organs of government were discussed using flowcharts and taking real life examples. Discussion on the Parliament and its composition, independent Indian judiciary was done to make their knowledge horizon broader. To know more about the development and changes happening around them the differences between the old and the new parliament house were discussed in the class. Links used: Class V Social Climate - YouTube https://currentaffairs.adda247.com/new-vs-old-parliament-buildings-10-key-features/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VD1pLPDYW9Q SPANISHFRENCHOur Annual Sports Day was a resounding success, thanks to the dedication and enthusiasm of our students. Despite the practice schedule, we ensured that academic pursuits were not neglected. A special timetable allowed for classes to continue seamlessly, demonstrating our commitment to maintaining a balance between sports and studies. Cultural exploration took center stage as students delved into the festivals of France. From understanding dates to appreciating cultural significance, this immersive experience broadened our students' perspectives. In language studies, adjectives were introduced with a focus on both feminine and masculine forms. This linguistic journey was complemented by practical exercises from textbooks and workbooks, providing students with a hands-on approach to learning. GERMANStudents found delight in learning about German festivals and cultural rituals. They made a Christmas greeting card with a tree describing the December celebrations. Easter celebrations were studied, and a general vocabulary around New Year celebrations was taught. SANSKRITछात्रों को पाठ संख्या ८ & ९, शब्दरूप-अकारांत पुल्लिंग, धातुरूप- लट् तथा लृट् लकार की पुनरावृत्ति किया गया। छात्रों की संस्कृत-भाषा में अब धीरे-धीरे पकड़ होने लगी और अब वे संस्कृत की कार्यपत्रिका को भी अच्छी प्रकार से करने लगे। खेल दिवस में छात्रों ने बढ़-चढ़ कर हिस्सा लिया। उनका उत्साह देखने लायक था। ITThe students were introduced to Scratch, they were introduced to Sensing Block, Mathematical Operators. Students were guided about different components of scratch window - sprite, background, script area and stage. They were guided about program on sensing input, random numbers and mathematical operators. The students created projects to count the letters in a word, to create a game with variable, and Conditional Formatting. PEStudents practised for Oorja-Suncity's Annual Sports Day. INDIAN MUSICदिसंबर माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: गायन अभ्यास: शुद्ध स्वर अलंकार गीत : गुजराती लोक गीत ढोलिडा , लोक गीत रवींद्र संगीत - मेगहेर खोले गीत । प्रयोग हुए वाद्य: तानपूरा, ऑडियो ट्रैक । गायन तकनीक: गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक , प्रतियोगिता में प्रस्तुति के महत्वपूर्ण बिंदु। कक्षा ४ -५ दिसंबर माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: चयनित छात्र छात्रों ने खेल दिवस मे उत्साहवर्धक गीत का प्रदर्शन विभिन वाद्यों (हारमोनियम , तबला ,बांगो,शेकर्स , स्क्रेपर , घुंगरू , मंजीरा एवं ढपली ) के साथ किया। वाद्य - कांगो , बोंगो, बककेट ,टेमरिंड ,कलेप बॉक्स ,कीबोर्ड ,ढोल एवं ढोलकएवं तबला का प्रारंभिक परिचय , हस्तमुद्रा (तीन ताल ) एवं भजनी ठेका । WESTERN MUSICSongs and instrumental: 'Angels we have heard on high', 'Feliznavidad' Students learnt to play the parading beat with the rhythmic 'floor tom' followed with the 'arpegios' with piano and strings keys. They practised individually and in group. Instruments used: Piano, Guitar, floor tom, keyboard INDIAN DANCECheerleading is an activity in which the participants (called cheerleaders) cheer for their team as a form of encouragement. It can range from chanting slogans to intense physical activity. It can be performed to motivate sports teams, to entertain the audience, or for competition. Cheerleading routines typically range anywhere from one to three minutes, and contain components of tumbling, dance, jumps, cheers, and stunting. DANCE FORM: Freestyle/ stunts SONGS: Cup of Life, Waving flag, Taki taki, Gasolina, Chak de, Chhalla, Vande matram WESTERN DANCEIn their Western Dance lessons, the students learnt: 1. The combination steps of Contemporary Dance: Shoulder isolations, leg kicks, leg raise, bum rolling. 2. Full body strengthening warm-up routine to keep one injury free and strong 3. Choreography was done keeping the essence of full movement intact and add the commercial elements to make the art form interesting. DANCE FORM: Contemporary SONG: Khoon chala from Rang De Basanti DRAMAIn the month of December, students were introduced to puppet theatre, where they: 1. Gained an understanding of different kinds of puppets 2. Practiced presenting a story with puppets 3. Learnt to create their own simple puppets 4. Acquired the skill of giving movements to their puppets 5. Learnt to give voice to their puppets through voice modulations VISUAL ARTSIn their Visual Art lessons: Students completed the art page in their SDG book. They also made human figures wearing winter clothes. Composition: Human drawing Art Technique: Free hand, colouring, contour outlining Art tools: Pencil, crayons, scale, crayons, oil pastels, pencil colours Learning Outcome: Development of observatory and motor skills, human figure propotion, contour drawing SDG 4: Quality Education LIFE SKILLSIn the month of December, students were introduced to the topic of "Tolerance". The objective of this module was to promote understanding, acceptance, and respect for differences among individuals through class discussions, activities and games. The goal here was to foster a positive and inclusive classroom environment, encourage empathy, and help students develop the social skills needed to interact harmoniously with diverse peers.
EnglishLiterature Two poems- 'The Wind is Angry' and 'The Wind' were done from the unit 'Wind Poems'. Students were made aware of the various poetic devices such as personification, metaphor and imagery. Comprehension questions from the unit were in the English notebook. Grammar Direct and Indirect Speech was done in detail by introducing students to both the terms. The rules of change from direct to indirect speech were explained to the students with examples. Adverbs topic was begun. UT-2 Revision The revision for UT-2 was done through weekend worksheets. Two worksheets for Reading/ Writing and Literature were done in class by the students in their notebooks. ScienceCarrying forward the understanding of Simple Machines like classes of lever, pulley, wedge, wheel and axle, the recapitulation was done of all the concepts. Students revised the concepts of Natural Disasters, Good Health, Force, Energy and Simple Machines through quizzes, discussions, worksheets and activities. Written and oral revisions were also done in the class for all the chapters coming in the Unit Test. Students prepared well for the unit test that was conducted. Following this, a new chapter Air and Water was introduced where the students were made aware of the composition of air and water. Different layers of the atmosphere and why the atmosphere is essential and important. Students studied the properties of air and water. They also delved in experimentation to understand separating techniques of soluble and insoluble substances. Social ScienceThe topic- The Great Indians and their contributions in various fields was discussed at the beginning of this month. The students researched the life, career, and contributions of a world leader and presented it in the form of a biography on an A-4 Sheet. The next topic, Pollution, was introduced by making the students understand about the present state of the environment. As a reflection of their learning, they were asked to make a Fish Bone diagram of the causes and effects of different types of pollution. The students realized the alarming impact of global warming and the phenomena of climate change through a video and with reference of the stubble burning. They also learnt about the Great Pacific garbage patch and related it to the impact of plastic as the most significant environmental hazard on land, water and air. A detailed revision for the Unit test was also taken. See Think Wonder strategies, visual illustrations, interactive discussions, real-life examples, and video links were the various methodologies used during the month to make learning interesting, interactive and enjoyable. Video Links: The Great Indians - Prachi Social Studies - Primary Classes - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVMYY4Uun8M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vztjbm6HA58 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7c9mSVPXYxU&t=40s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSdwzfBQFCw Hindiमास का प्रारंभ ‘वाक्यांश विषय’ व श्रुतिसम भिन्नार्थक शब्द से किया गया | छात्रों को व्याकरण पुष्प से पाठ-पठन व ऑनलाइन खेल के माध्यम से अभ्यास करवाया गया | छात्रों को दीपावली पर पर्यावरण प्रदूषण को केंद्रित करते हुए पटाखो के सीमित उपयोग के लिए प्रेरित किया गया। 'बाल दिवस' की शुभकामनाएँ देते हुए इस विषय पर छात्रों से चर्चा की गई। पुराने समय की नौका और आधुनिक नौका के बारे में अंतर स्पष्ट करते हुए कविता ‘हमारी नाव चली’ का भावार्थ समझाकर अभ्यास कार्य करवाया गया। क्रियात्मक गतिविधि के अंतर्गत छात्रों ने खूबसूरत नौका बनाई। दोहों के माध्यम से, जीवन मूल्यों से परिचित कराते हुए कबीरदास जी, गोस्वामी तुलसीदासजी, सूरदासजी और वृंदजी के द्वारा रचित दोहों का अर्थ बताया गया। गणित विषय के साथ एकीकृत करते हुए छात्रों को एक गिनती वाला खेल खिलाते हुए क्रिया शब्दों से परिचित कराया गया। विडिओ तथा पुस्तक के माध्यम से विषय का अध्ययन एवं अभ्यास कार्य कराया गया। ‘क्या, किसे और कौन’ शब्दों के द्वारा सकर्मक और अकर्मक क्रिया की पहचान करना सिखाया गया। ‘काल’ की परिभाषा उदाहरण सहित समझाकर अभ्यास कराया गया। छात्र स्वयं काल के अनुसार वाक्य परिवर्तन करने में सक्षम हुए। छात्रों को मेहनत करके लक्ष्य प्राप्त करने के लिए प्रेरित करते हुए कक्षा में जादू या किसी मनचाहे विषय पर अभिनय करने के लिए कहा गया। ‘छोटा जादूगर’ पाठ का सारांश भली-भाँति समझाकर प्रत्येक छात्र से पाठ पढ़वाया गया। पढ़ते समय उनके उच्चारण और धारा-प्रवाह पर विशेष ध्यान दिया गया। पुस्तकीय अभ्यास कार्य के साथ मौखिक एवं लिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर छात्रों के साथ साझा करते हुए उत्तर-पुस्तिका में लिखवाए गए । कठिन शब्दों की श्रुतलेख परीक्षा ली गई। उनके रचनात्मक कौशल, भाषायी कौशल व रचनात्मक अभिव्यक्ति का विकास हुआ। छात्रों को व्याकरणिक ज्ञान की जानकारी के साथ उनके शब्दकोश में और भाषिक योग्यता में भी वृद्धि हुई। व्याकरणिक पदों तथा प्रश्नों को समझकर सही उत्तर देने की क्षमता का विकास एवं अभिनय द्वारा पाठ को सीखने की प्रेरणा मिली। लिंक : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMLYxP-p0fI https://youtu.be/NMLYxP-p0fI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZRPhoiWH2c&t=19s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6X7g5RWSEq4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcQB9l-NWmo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vP96uPNO_Y FrenchFollowing the Diwali holidays, our students returned to school with a festive spirit. In preparation for UT- 2 assessments, focused revision sessions were conducted in class to equip students for success. Language skills were honed through vocabulary exercises on family members, emphasizing pronunciation, and a recap of the months of the year. To solidify their understanding, students actively engaged in workbook exercises, enhancing their grasp of the material. SpanishGermanThe theme for November was Air and Water. The students prepared for UT 2. They learnt the vocabulary to discuss the usage of water in our daily lives. Language skills were honed by practising the grammar of sentences. Sanskritadfaffsfsfsgsgs ICTStudents learnt about inserting a chart, a table, smart art, changing background colours and themes in Power Point. They were guided to take up the Lab Activity where they were supposed to add bulleted list, and various other features to reflect the understanding of the topic. Physical EducationInter-house events for the various games were organised during the PE lessons: Track and field events: 50m, 4x50m mixed relay race, 100m, 200m, 400m, 4x100m mixed relay, long jump, shot put, and medicine ball throw, Obstacle race, Judo ,Gymnastics and Yoga practice. SPORTS DAY PRACTICE Indian Musicनवंबर माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: गायन अभ्यास: शुद्ध स्वर अलंकार गीत : राम आएंगे गीत,नानक आया शबद, लोक गीत रवींद्र संगीत - मेगहेर खोले गीत । प्रयोग हुए वाद्य: तानपूरा, ऑडियो ट्रैक । गायन तकनीक: गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक , प्रतियोगिता में प्रस्तुति के महत्वपूर्ण बिंदु। वाद्य - कांगो , बोंगो, बककेट ,टेमरिंड ,कलेप बॉक्स ,कीबोर्ड ,ढोल एवं ढोलकएवं तबला का प्रारंभिक परिचय , हस्तमुद्रा (तीन ताल ) एवं भजनी ठेका । Western MusicIn their Western Music lessons, students learnt: Songs: 'Try everything', '500 miles' Students practiced various pitches in different patterns and rhythms Instrument used: Guitar, piano, drums Indian danceDiwali, the festival of lights, is mainly celebrated in honour of Lord Ram's return to his kingdom in Ayodhya, after staying in exile for 14 years. On this occasion Suncitizens learnt a beautiful dance, an amalgamation of the east meeting the west fusion, demonstrating Ram- The Warrior. DANCE FORM: Kathak and Russian Classical Ballet SONG: Ramam Raghavam Western danceIn their Western Dance lessons, the students learnt: 1. The combination steps of Bhangra Dance: Shoulder movement, leg taps, leg raise, side shuffle taps 2. Full body strengthening warm-up routine to keep one injury free and strong 3. Choreography was done keeping the essence of full movement intact and add the contemporary elements to make the art form interesting. DANCE FORM: Bhangra SONG: Jogiya by Surjeet Bindarakhia DramaIn their Drama lessons, the students delved into the understanding of story dramatization. Since, a story is a simple narrative, there are certain points to consider when planning to dramatize it. To grasp this concept: 1. Story Selection and Scene Creation: Students began by selecting a story, dividing it into scenes, and writing dialogues. 2. Animal Story Transformation: Students chose an animal story, extracted its moral or lesson, and recreated the narrative in a contemporary context for humans. They performed the adapted story. 3. Scene Recreation: Students were organised into groups, assigning each group a scene from a chosen story. They were provided with the script or scene summary, and they worked collaboratively to recreate and perform the scene. 4. Emphasis on Performance Skills: Encouraged students to concentrate on character development, blocking, and using their voices and bodies to convey the essence of the story. 5. Exploration of Physical Theatre and Body Mechanics: To comprehend physical theatre and body movements, students engaged in an activity discussing machines, their components, and how they operate. They explored the idea that machines consist of moving and non-moving parts, differentiated between simple and complex machines, and acted as components of a machine in groups. This activity highlighted the importance of collaboration, teamwork, and synchronization within their teams. Visual artStudents made doodles and landscape related to transport and communication. Composition: Object drawing Art Technique: Free hand, colouring, contour outlining Art tools: Pencil, crayons, scale, crayons, oil pastels, pencil colours Learning Outcome: Development of observatory and motor skills, perspective, contour drawing SDG 4: Quality Education Life skillsInterpersonal Skills: This module helped students to understand interpersonal skills, and ways to improve communication, and helped them to cooperate and work as a team. Practical examples, relevant to the age group, were provided for each emotion. While taking the module, the facilitator was expressive both verbally and non-verbally when they explained different emotions. The activity conducted, helped students understand how they could enact each of these scenarios which closely resemble real-life situations and friendships. The facilitator also talked about each aspect, the talking, facial expressions, body movements, and eye contact that was used by every student.
MELANGE- Suncity's Annual Inter-school Fest“Learning through the arts reinforces critical academic skills in reading, language arts and math, and provides students with the skills to creatively solve problems.” – Michelle Obama Mélange 3.0, the annual inter-school fest at Suncity School 37D, kicked off on October 27th with a flurry of activities focusing on the multiple intelligences integrated with the language arts. Participants eagerly registered for their chosen events, setting the stage for a day of artistic and literary exploration. The inauguration was a grand affair, commencing with the lighting of the traditional lamp and the Shanti Shloka by the school choir. The esteemed guest of honor, acclaimed author and poet, Dr. Ved Mitra Shukla, emphasized the significance of gatherings like Mélange and provided counsel to the students. He encouraged them to actively seek knowledge and urged them to break out of their passive roles. Following this, our principal, Ms. Guneet Ohri, addressed the audience extending a warm welcome to all, expressing gratitude for their presence. Ms. Ohri highlighted the unique strengths and talents possessed by each individual, underscoring the pivotal role of language as a platform for expressing emotions in a diverse array of events. Additionally, she expressed her gratitude towards our distinguished panel of judges, comprising Ms. Hina Madaan, Ms. Deepshika Srivastava, Ms. Priyanka Balhara, Mr. Ashmeet Singh, Ms. Geeta Devi, and Ms. Harpreet Bhatia. A highly anticipated moment was the unveiling of the Mélange teaser, offering attendees a tantalizing glimpse into the creative journey that awaited. With the teaser presentation, Ms. Guneet Ohri officially declared Mélange 3.0 open, ushering in a day of artistic expressions, literary endeavors, and cultural celebrations, all set to leave a lasting impact on the school and its community, celebrating the beauty of linguistic diversity and the richness of human expression. Day 2 of Mélange began with welcoming the Chief Guest, Ms. Manna Bahadur, author and erstwhile Doordarshan presenter who had also made her mark in the All India Radio. Five more exhilarating events were hosted, making the fest more invigorating. The highlight of the day was a panel discussion featuring renowned figures from the literary world. The panel discussion featured luminaries such as Kevin Missal, a celebrated author; Ms. Chander Suta Dogra, an accomplished author and journalist; Ms. Reena Puri, a notable contributor to Amar Chitra Katha. To steer this thought-provoking discussion, we had the privilege of having Ms. Krithika Nair, an esteemed editor and publisher, as the moderator. The final day of Mélange 3.0 was graced by the presence of two members of the school management, Ms. Nandini Singh and Ms. Varsha Jhorar. Following the enlightening panel discussion, the event concluded with an award ceremony, where the deserving victors were honored. The prestigious rolling trophy was clinched by the talented and enthusiastic team from DPS Sector 45, marking a fitting conclusion to an event that had celebrated the beauty of literature, art, and intellectual discourse. We would like to thank, our knowledge partner- Amar Chitra Katha, our title sponsor- Kunzum Books, our co-sponsors- Maker Shala, Safe Xtra and Scholarsmerit, for making our two-day literary extravaganza successful. ENGLISHIn the month of October, Grade 5 students delved into a variety of engaging topics and activities. The focus remained on honing persuasive writing skills through a continuation of the PBL activity. Unit 12, "Growing a City," was introduced with a pre-reading task that required researching the top 10 cities globally, particularly Dubai. A discussion led by the educator on Gurugram's expansion set the stage for exploring the growth and development of Dubai over the past two centuries. The chapter was read aloud by students in turns, with a strong emphasis on accuracy and pronunciation. A video showcasing Dubai's transformation was shared to complement this learning, providing a visual perspective on urban development. Following the reading, students tackled comprehension questions and generated additional queries based on the text. New vocabulary was introduced, along with a glossary, and opinion-based questions were formulated based on student responses. Unit 13, "Direct and Indirect Speech" from The Grammarite, was introduced. This unit aimed to explore the distinctions between direct and indirect speech. The educator initiated a discussion on speech, highlighting the two methods of reporting speech. A series of videos were shared to depict examples and reinforce the concept, with additional examples contributed by students. Special emphasis was placed on understanding the shift in tense when converting speech from direct to indirect. Overall, Grade 5 exhibited commendable participation and enthusiasm in the various activities. The month was characterized by a dynamic blend of research, reading, comprehension, and grammar exploration. We look forward to further progress in the upcoming month. SCIENCEThe month began with learning about volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes and floods. Students learnt about how these events can have significant impacts on the environment, human life, and the ecomony. Students were also made aware about the causes and effect of of natural disasters and how we can implement proactive measures before and during the time of this emergency situation. The students continued their journey to understand the marvels of science and engineering, and turned their attention towards simple machines. They learnt about the unassuming devices like pulley, lever, wheel and axel etc as the unsung heroes of our daily lives. They learnt that how these simple machines showcase the elegance of physics in our daily lives and making our lives easier. SOCIAL SCIENCEThis month the learning journey was taken forward with a new topic ‘The United Nations’. The students connected the aims, and objectives of the United Nations with the aims of 17 Sustainable Development Goals to be achieved globally by 2030. Further, they delved deeper and learnt about the organs and agencies of the United Nations. They were made aware of India's active role in the United Nations. Using art as a tool, students drew the logo of the United Nations in their notebook. Later, in the month they learnt about the evolution of scripts, the origin of numbers, and how printing developed. Integrating visual art, they also enjoyed block brinting using vegetables as their blocks. A recap of Unit test topics was done through Quizziz and written revision. The students also learnt about the evolution of transport from wheel to highways and expressways. They understood the strategic importance of canal in shortening the distance and saving time. The famous railway tunnels nation and worldwide were told to the children. Links used for reference- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ay2Qy3wBe8 https://www.britannica.com/biography/Johannes-Gutenberg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCpUc00vZGw The Engineering Marvel called Panama Canal - YouTube MATHDelving more into the understanding of Fractions continued in the month of October. Students practiced multiple questions to convert Imroper Fractions to Mixed Numbers and vice-versa. With the help of group activity using Jodo Gyan Kit the students explored more about Unit Fractions and learnt to Compare theam. Students also practiced to add, subtract and compare Like Fractions. Their understanding got an elevation by getting an exposure to add, subtract and compare Unlike Fractions, by finding a common denominator to the given unlike frations. Students were exposed to learn to Multiply and Divide Fractions with the help of a paper-shading activity, where the students could themselves derive the steps to multiply Fractions. They further solved multiple related questions to practice the same and worked on word problems involving the real life application of comparing, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing Fractions. HINDIमास का प्रारंभ ‘वाक्य विषय’ से किया गया जहाँ छात्रों ने सार्थक और निरर्थक शब्दों की जानकारी प्राप्त करते हुए वाक्य निर्माण करना सीखा। ‘अर्थ के आधार पर वाक्य के भेद’ बताए गए। पाठ का पठन कराते हुए पुस्तकीय अभ्यास कार्य एवं कार्य-पुस्तिका में कार्य करवाया गया। पत्र –लेखन (अनौपचारिक) का प्रारूप समझाते हुए पत्र का अभ्यास कराया गया। छात्र अपनी कल्पनाशक्ति का परिचय देते हुए पत्र लिखने में सक्षम हुए। छात्रों से गांधी जयंती और उनके उपदेशों के बारे में बात की गई। विडिओ लिंक के द्वारा पाठ ‘बापू की सीख’ का परिचय देते हुए पाठ का पठन करवाया गया। छात्रों से स्वच्छता पखवाड़ा पर चर्चा की गई। लिखित एवं मौखिक प्रश्नों की चर्चा के उपरांत अभ्यास-कार्य करवाया गया। क्रियात्मक गतिविधि के अंतर्गत- गांधीजी के तीन बंदरों के संदेश को चित्र सहित उत्तर-पुस्तिका में लिखने के लिए दिया गया। संत कबीर, तुलसी, रहीम जी द्वारा रचित दोहे का अर्थ बताकर जीवन-मूल्यों का विकास किया गया। गतिविधि के तौर पर छात्रों ने किसी एक संतकवि का चित्र बनाकर उनके द्वारा रचित दो दोहे अपनी उत्तर-पुस्तिका में लिखे। विडिओ लिंक के माध्यम से विशेषण तथा भेदों के बारे में जानकारी दी गई। पाठ का पठन एवं अभ्यास कार्य करवाया गया। छात्र ‘सतत विकास के लक्ष्य-११- संधारणीय शहर और समुदाय’ से एकीकृत करते हुए दिवाली का चित्र बनाकर अनुच्छेद लिखे और विशेषताएँ बताने वालों शब्दों को रेखांकित करते हुए भाषायी ज्ञान का परिचय दिया। इस तरह से छात्रों के बौद्धिक स्तर में विकास हुआ। https://wordwall.net/resource/3528986/ ऑनलाइन द्वारा वाक्य की पुनरावृत्ति https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmAgJSi1jlc https://youtu.be/Wcm3Vj5rXCY https://youtu.be/gL2dRKAwg0w https://youtu.be/AvakIFgvDPQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UybKO3MKyG8 FRENCHIn the month of October, students were introduced to the concept of body parts in conjunction with articles. Additionally, they explored various faces at the Grevin Museum, with in-depth explanations provided. To reinforce their understanding, students engaged in exercises from both the textbook and workbook. Furthermore, some students actively participated in diverse events during Melange, held on October 27th and 28th, enhancing their practical knowledge and skills. SPANISHIn October, students expanded their horizons by learning the names of different countries and nationalities. Followed by Q.A. After learning vocabulary of means of communication, the class learn related verbs as "Hablar" (To speak), "Escribir" (To write), and "Leer" (To read). In the school setting, they acquired the ability to name school subjects with the right definite articles. This equips them with the tools to describe their academic interests with adjectives, providing a more nuanced view of their likes and dislikes. GERMANIn the month of October students were introduced to the vocabulary of topics - Means of Transport and Means of communication. Verbs related to travel were taught . To reinforce their understanding, students engaged in exercises from both the textbook and workbook. SANSKRITछात्रों को उत्तमपुरुषः – एकवचनम्,द्विवचनम् और बहुवचनम् को व्याकरणिक नियमों की सहायता से स्पष्ट किया गया। छात्रों की संस्कृत-भाषा में अब धीरे-धीरे पकड़ होने लगी। ICTStudents were guided to revisit more features of MS Powerpoint realted to formatting . They worked with Slide Master to create different formats of the slides. They were guided to change the background colour, themes and colour schmes in a powerpoint. They also created smartart, tables and charts in a powerpoint in the practical session. PHYSICAL EDUCATIONInter-house events for the various games were organised during the PE lessons: Individual games: Badminton (based on 11 points Knock-out), Swimming and athletics (heats). Track and field events: 50m, 4x50m mixed relay race, 100m, 200m, 400m, 4x100m mixed relay, long jump, shot put, and medicine ball throw. INDIAN MUSICअक्टोबर माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: गायन अभ्यास: शुद्ध स्वर अलंकार गीत : राम सिया राम - रामायण (चौपाई), लोक गीत रवींद्र संगीत - मेगहेर खोले गीत । प्रयोग हुए वाद्य: तानपूरा, ऑडियो ट्रैक । गायन तकनीक: गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक , प्रतियोगिता में प्रस्तुति के महत्वपूर्ण बिंदु। कक्षा ३ अक्टोबर माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: चयनित छात्र छात्रों ने प्रार्थना सभा मे रामायण चौपाई का प्रदर्शन विभिन वाद्यों (हारमोनियम , तबला ,बांगो,शेकर्स , स्क्रेपर , घुंगरू , मंजीरा एवं ढपली ) के साथ किया। कक्षा ४,५ चयनित छात्र छात्रों ने मानसिक स्वास्थ्य सप्ताह प्रार्थना सभा एवं मिलान्ज कार्यक्रम मे शांति मंत्रों का प्रदर्शन विभिन वाद्यों (हारमोनियम , तबला ,पखावज ,शेकर्स , स्क्रेपर , घुंगरू , मंजीरा एवं ढपली ) के साथ किया. वाद्य - कांगो , बोंगो , शेकर्स , स्क्रेपर , घुंगरू , मंजीरा , ढपली एवं तबला का प्रारंभिक परिचय , हस्तमुद्रा (तीन ताल) एवं भजनी ठेका। WESTERN MUSICSong: 'Awesome God' - A song about the power of God Instruments used: white board, keyboard, guitar INDIAN DANCEThe legend associated with Navratri speaks about the great battle between the powerful demon Mahishasura and Goddess Durga. On each day of Navratri, an incarnation of “Goddess Durga” is worshipped to celebrate the day of her victory over Mahishasura, and the ultimate victory of 'Good over Evil.” Students learnt a Durga stuti depicting Mahishasur mardan. DANCE FORM: Classical SONG: Aigiri nandini WESTERN DANCEIn their Western Dance lessons, the students learnt: 1. The combination steps of Bhangra Dance: Shoulder movement, leg taps, leg raise, side shuffle taps 2. Full body strengthening warm-up routine to keep one injury free and strong 3. Choreography was done keeping the essence of full movement intact and add the contemporary elements to make the art form interesting. DANCE FORM: Bhangra SONG: Jogiya by Surjeet Bindarakhia DRAMAUses of Properties in Drama and Theatre: Through various games, activities, and role-play, students gained a deeper understanding of how props serve multiple purposes and significantly enhance storytelling and the overall audience experience. Props are used for: 1. Characterization: 2. Setting and Atmosphere 3. Plot Advancement: 4. Interaction 5. Visual Interest: The following activities were done by the students: 1. Discussion about Types of Set Props: This includes Hand Props, Costume Props, Personal Props, and Symbolic Props. 2. Group Storytelling: Students were divided into groups and provided with 2-3 props for each group. Each group then creates a story centered around these props and performs it. 3. Exploration of Various Uses for Props 4. Creating Prop Advertisements: Students chose a prop available in the classroom and designed an advertisement to promote it. VISUAL ARTSIn their Visual Art lessons, students learnt: Grade III: Students practised Saura folk art from the state of Odisha. Composition: Stick figures Art Technique: Free hand, colouring, contour outlining Art tools: Pencil, crayons, scale, crayons, oil pastels, pencil colours Learning Outcome: Development of observatory and motor skills. SDG 4: Quality Education Grade IV: Students practised Gond folk art from the state of Madhya Pradesh. Composition: Simple animal forms Art Technique: Free hand, colouring, contour outlining Art tools: Pencil, crayons, scale, crayons, oil pastels, pencil colours Learning Outcome: Development of observatory and motor skills. SDG 4: Quality Education Grade V: Students practised Abstract Geometric art. Composition: Simple geometric forms Art Technique: Free hand, colouring, contour outlining Art tools: Pencil, crayons, scale, crayons, oil pastels, pencil colours Learning Outcome: Development of observatory and motor skills. SDG 4: Quality Education LIFE SKILLSSuncity School Sector 37D recently held a one-week event called 'Sadaya: A Wellness Week' for students in grades 3 to 5, aiming to promote their overall well-being. This involved different school departments, such as Physical Education, Dance, Music, Art, and Class Teachers. The activities included creative poster making, the Shark Fin Breathing Exercise for stress relief, and workshops on self-care and body image. Students also played the 'Roll a Wellness Strategy Game' to learn different strategies for maintaining their well-being. Kindness and teamwork were emphasized, as shown by the 'Share a Cup of Kindness' activity and the collaborative mural. Overall, this comprehensive initiative highlighted the importance of nurturing students' physical, mental, and emotional well-being within the school community.
ENGLISH September was a whirlwind of learning adventures for Grade 5 students. The month started off with a Formative Assessment, sharpening their Paragraph Writing skills, and setting a strong foundation for effective communication. Next, they delved into a comprehensive recapitulation of Verbs, ensuring a solid grasp of this crucial part of language. Poetic Devices came alive in the classrooms as the students explored and dissected the art of poetry, discovering the magic hidden within words. Anticipation ran high as they prepared for an upcoming Flipped Classroom Activity, promising an engaging experience in the weeks ahead. Shifting gears, Grade 5 enthusiasts immersed themselves in the world of Prefixes and Suffixes, understanding how affixes transform words. This was followed by lively workbook exercises, cementing their knowledge. In literature, 'Changing Times' (Unit 11) took them on a thought-provoking journey, offering valuable insights into different eras. FA sheets were distributed, providing an opportunity for oral discussion and doubt resolution. The Supplementary Reader captured their imagination with Units 4 and 5, where they not only read but also delved into explanations, expanding their literary horizons. Adjectives took the spotlight next, with a thorough exploration of their kinds, as outlined in Unit 3 of Grammarite. They seamlessly transitioned into practical application with a Class Task, practicing the art of ordering adjectives in their notebooks. here to edit. SCIENCE The month began with a hands-on activity where students created their own terrariums. They followed instructions and conducted additional research to create beautiful and unique terrariums. Next, a new topic was introduced to the students, allowing them to recap and gain a deeper understanding of the concepts related to types of pollution and their effects on our planet, Earth. Through brainstorming sessions, the students explored the concept of the greenhouse effect and its role in causing global warming. They further expanded their knowledge on how to protect the environment, which included understanding various types of waste and their harmful effects on Mother Earth. As part of their learning, children were tasked with researching and exploring waste management techniques, resulting in creative ideas and solutions. Furthermore, the students delved into the topic of food and nutrition, a fundamental concept in their growth as healthy individuals. They learned about the components of food and identified different food items that provide essential nutrients. The students also conducted research on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2, 'Zero Hunger,' to grasp the importance of reducing food wastage and suggested methods to address this issue. In class, students engaged in a flameless cooking activity in small groups, preparing items like vegetable and cheese sandwiches, sprout and nut salad, and fruit and dry fruit parfait. They were made aware that these food items contain most of the essential nutrients in the right proportions, making them part of a balanced meal. The students then extended their learning to understand deficiency diseases caused by nutritional deficits in the body, including the importance of trace elements required in small quantities for the body to function properly. SOCIAL STUDIES The new topic 'Natural disaster' was introduced through visual illustrations of the major natural disasters in the world. The students flipped the teaching learning process and moved ahead in the learning journey on the basic of PBL. They researched, collaborated and presented the causes, effects and safety measures to be followed during the various natural disasters. To strengthen their critical thinking skills, students were engaged in interactive discussions finding solutions to various situations when caught up in a disaster. They were acquainted with new terms facts and information related to the various disasters. Later during the month, a revision on the topic-Saudi Arabia was conducted. The students were involved in active research work on Morocco’s earthquake and Libya’s flood and wrote a report on the same. The impacts of deforestation were also discussed with the students. The new topic of United Nations was introduced with a discussion on importance of Peace in the world. See think wonder strategies, research work, interactive discussions were the various methodologies were used during the month to develop responsibility and skills in the students towards their environment and the planet. Links for reference: What Is An Earthquake? | The Dr. Binocs Show | Educational Videos For Kids - YouTube Tsunami | The Dr. Binocs Show | Educational Videos For Kids - YouTube Volcano | The Dr. Binocs Show | Learn Videos For Kids - YouTube Climate 101: Deforestation | National Geographic - YouTube FRENCH Students embarked on an exciting journey into the world of professions in French, delving deep into both the masculine and feminine forms. Through engaging textbook readings, students gained a comprehensive understanding of various professions. To reinforce their knowledge, students were encouraged to introduce themselves, incorporating the hints from their textbooks about different professions. This practical exercise helped them hone their speaking abilities and instil confidence. Students were introduced to the fascinating realm of famous personalities from France. Learning about the notable figures expanded their cultural awareness. The students successfully tackled class tests, showcasing their grasp of the topics. Their performances reflected the effort they put into their studies. SPANISH Students learnt vocabulary of food and beverages. The class attempted qurestions on sentence formation using adverbs of frequency. Verbs relating to the topic were discussed with the complete conjugation. The students attempted two class tests that included basic concepts, grammar and question answers. The students enjoyed a song on interrogative pronouns. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDY3V3OuMEs GERMAN In the month of september, the students learnt about fruits and vegetables. The theme colours was revised through the fruits and vegetables vocabulary. German culture was exhibited by naming typical German Cuisines.The sentence structure was reinforced by learning the conjugation of new verbs like to and ro drink. The children had fun writing dialogues on the theme of ordering food in the restaurant. LIFE SKILLS This module focuses on the concept of ‘Friendships and Boundaries’ for grades 3-5 using anactivity based approach. At this age, students start to form stronger and more deeper bonds amongst their peer groups. Through this module, students will be empowered to form quality friendships amongst their peer group while also gaining an understanding of behaviours that make them a good friend. The concept of boundaries is briefly introduced along with conflict resolution in friendships. CO- SCHOLASTICSPHYSICAL EDUCATION Under the guidance of their respective teachers/ coaches, students learnt: Badminton: Evaluation of skills, skill demonstration by students, practice with teacher, 11 points match, Knockout matches and match playing. Gymnastics: Basic floor exercises and balancing beam activities, performed on a padded floor mat, involving a combination of forward roll, backward roll, handstand and artistic exercise, walking and balancing on the beam. Judo: Ushiro Ukemi (Backward fall), Mae Ukemi (Forward fall) Cricket: Batting Basics, Front foot defence, Backfoot defence, Bowling basics, Pace bowling, spin bowling, Fielding drills, Running between the wickets, Practice Matches to apply all the knowledge. Basketball: Shooting Layups: A fundamental shot where a player drives to the basket and shoots the ball off the backboard or into the hoop and Free Throws Football: Push pass, In step receiving the ball, Outstep Receiving and Chest pass, Kicking; Drills to teach In step, Out step, Chip shot, Short and long-distance kicking. Heading and Throwing and Defense. Swimming: Basic Strokes: Front Crawl (Freestyle), Backstroke Shooting (Grade 5 and Above): Shooting Techniques (Timed Fire), Fundamentals of the Shoot: Preparation, Aim, Breathing, Trigger control, Follow through, Scoring INDIAN MUSIC सितंबर माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: गायन अभ्यास: शुद्ध स्वर अलंकार गीत: कृष्ण भजन ,गणेश वंदना ,कजरी लोक गीत प्रयोग हुए वाद्य: तानपूरा, ऑडियो ट्रैक गायन तकनीक: गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक , प्रतियोगिता में प्रस्तुति के महत्वपूर्ण बिंदु सन्दर्भ वीडियो लिंक: कक्षा ४ -चयनित छात्र छात्रों ने प्रार्थना सभा मे गणेश वंदना का प्रदर्शन विभिन वाद्यों (हारमोनियम , तबला ,बांगो,शेकर्स , स्क्रेपर , घुंगरू , मंजीरा एवं ढपली )के साथ किया. वाद्य - कांगो , बोंगो , शेकर्स , स्क्रेपर , घुंगरू , मंजीरा , ढपली एवं तबला का प्रारंभिक परिचय , हस्तमुद्रा (तीन ताल) एवं भजनी ठेका WESTERN MUSIC Song Practised: 'You raised me up' Inspiration song about a mother's love expressing the idea of lifting and giving strength Instument Used/ taught: Piano INDIAN DANCE DANCE FORM: Semi-Classical /Kathak SONG: Deva Shree Ganesha The power of Shree Ganesha destroys all our sorrows, enhances our happiness, and creates positivity all around you. Lord Ganesha blesses us with worldly bounties, keeps us protected from obstacles at all times. With this thought, we at Suncity celebrated Ganesh Chaturthi with a beautiful Ganesha dance through beautiful postures, shringar ras, mudras and body balancing in Kathak dance style. WESTERN DANCE In their Western Dance lessons, the students learnt: 1. The beginning steps of Bhangra Dance: Shoulder movement, legs taps, leg raise, side shuffle taps 2. Full body strengthening warm-up routine to keep one injury free and strong 3. Choreography was made keeping the essence of full movement intact and add the contemporary elements to make the art from intresting. DANCE FORM: Bhangra SONG: Rangla Punjab by Sarbjeet Cheema 1. The 5 essential beginning steps for a Classical Jazz Dance: Jazz and Blade hands, Point/Flex feet, Kick Ball Change, Pivot turn 2. Full body strengthening Warm up routine to keep one more injury free and strong. 3. Body Isolations 4. Students are still discovering how to reveal more confidence and self-value by learning Dance techniques. DANCE FORM: JAZZ SONG: 'PINK VENOM' by BLACKPINK DRAMA In their Drama classes: Students delved into the art of storytelling and performance, focusing on the essential story elements-- the beginning (where we introduce characters), the middle (where we introduce conflicts), and the ending (the resolution of conflicts). Activity 1: Collaborative Storytelling This activity involved creating a story in which each student contributed only one to two sentences. This collaborative exercise allowed us to build characters and initiate our narrative together. It encouraged active listening and teamwork among students. Activity 2: Group Story making and performance We engaged in a group exercise. Each group was provided with four random keywords, and the challenge was to construct a story around these words and perform them in front of the class. It tested students' creativity and improvisational skills. Activity 3: Individual Storytelling Each student wrote a story based on the same four keywords, Subsequently, students narrated their individual stories to the class, allowing them to showcase their unique storytelling styles. |
Class Teachers:Ruchi Mehrotra, V-A Archives
November 2024
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